Today applicant has sent the Right to Information request to Prime Minister's Office to seek the following information.
(1) Name of the countries to which Sahara Group Editor Aziz Burney accompanied Hon. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in year 2009,alongwith day and date.
(2) Name of the P.M.O. Official who has shortlisted the name of Sahara Group Editor Aziz Burney to accompany Hon. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to foreign trip during year 2009.
The applicant has sought this information for the reason that Sahara Group Editor Aziz Burney has published the article in the issue dated 5th January 2009 in which he has wrote that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh might be involved in the Mumbai terror attack directly or indirectly, Or he was aware of the conspiracy of Mumbai terror attack.
After getting the answer from P.M.O., litigation is possible against the P.M.O. official responsible for short listing Mr Aziz Burney for foreign trip with Hon Prime Minister. As the allegation which Mr Burney has leveled against Intelligence Bureau for Mumbai Terror Attack directly comes under P.M.O. And also P.M.O. is responsible for the control of acts committed by I.B.
Mr Burney has blatantly commented that I.B. was involved in Mumbai Attack.
Also Burney’s articles has always contradicted claims made by P.M.O. regarding Mumbai Attack case on International level.
And if P.M.O. is agreed to what Burney wrote, immediate action is necessary against various Government Ministries for making false claims of Pakistani involvement in Mumbai terror attack.