French aurhorities has closed down Four Muslim Prayer Halls & Three Mosques for the suspicion that facilities were helping Islamic religious radicalization, ministry announced on Wednesday. Bernard Cazeneuve, the minister, disclosed to the French National Assembly, such action was need of the hour in the aftermath of bloody terror onslaught in and around Paris inNovember, killing 130 people & hundreds of wounded.
"We will deal with iron hand against those preaching violence and hatred in France,” Bernard Cazeneuve said.Two closed mosques are located in the greater Paris area and another in Lyon suburb. Four “stealth” prayer halls were shut downed in Nice. The action is effective to the period of national state of emergency, Minister said.
The focus on prayer rooms is relatively new. News media reports suggested that the police in several countries were giving closer scrutiny to such places, generally in storefronts or residences.
The risk level of closed facilities are difficult to judge from Bernard Cazeneuve’s statements.The French authorities so far, have arrested or ousted imams for preaching hatred or hate speech- no one was associated with these closed religious centers, Ministry official told. But, when the agencies searched houses of persons on leading positions in mosque, they found a revolver in possession, computer hard drive, jihad preaching documents.
In France regional elections are scheduled this week, the Socialist headed government of President François Hollande experiencing challenge from extreme right parties. Heavy crackdown on Islamic facilities and mosques might be aimed at showing Hollande’s government as hardline and non negotiable than earlier Nicolas Sarkozy's conservative government.
“Did earlier governmetns close mosques for Islamic radicalization during the period of last 10 years? Not a single,” Bernard Cazeneuve hurled in National assembly. “But We have closed 4 mosques after state of emergency declared.”
His coleague narrated further that when minister told four, it was reference of locations of the facilities closed,
Making reference to Sarkozy’s tenure in office, he further said that, “Not a single Imam preaching hate and appealing for terror has been expelled from France between Year 2007 to 2012” But Socialist regime acted against 65 imams compared to 16 in Sarkozy rule.
Still Mr. Bernard Cazeneuve stressed that France still honoring individual rights. “Today, Religious extremism & terrorism is threatening our freedom in France and the state of emergency is safeguarding it.”
Mr. Bernard Cazeneuve told the speed of government raids, actions and terror suspect detentions was not slowed down. Government tallies says that 263 people have been grilled and most of them have been detained. Another 330 suspects have been thrown under house arrest. Sergei Lavrov, Russia- Erdogan Family Invloved in Illicit Oil Trade with Syria Thugs.
Russia accuses Erdogan family of doing business with Russia's defence ministry says it has proof Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and his family are involved in the illegal smuggling of oil from State-held territory in Syria and Iraq. ( how the group made its billions) In a briefing in Moscow, defence ministry officials displayed satellite images which they said showed oil tankers heading from territory to Turkey. The officials did not say what evidence they had that President Erdogan and his family were involved, an allegation he has strongly denied. Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov said: "Turkey is the main consumer of the oil stolen from its rightful owners, Syria and Iraq. "According to information we've received, the senior political leadership of the country - President Erdogan and his family - are involved in this criminal business." 'Marvellous family business' Mr Antonov said President Erdogan's son, Bilal, headed a big energy company, while his son-in-law, Berat Albayrak, had been appointed energy minister. "What a marvellous family business," he added. The ministry said the same criminal networks which were smuggling oil from State-held areas to Turkey were also supplying weapons, equipment and training to the extremist group. FactCheck: How does fund its reign of terror? Last week, President Erdogan said Turkey only bought oil from legitimate sources and was taking steps to combat smuggling. He called on those making the allegations to provide proof and said he would resign if the claims were shown to be true. Plane shot down Moscow's relationship with Ankara has deteriorated since Turkey shot down a Russian military plane on the Turkey/Syria border that it said had strayed into Turkish air space. Last week's confrontation is the most serious between a Nato member (Turkey) and Russia in half a century. Russia and Turkey are also at odds over the Assad regime in Syria, which Moscow is trying to bolster and Ankara would like to see removed. Article Tags Assad, Channel 4 News, Russia, Syria, Turkey, World San Bernardino- California Incidence- Obama Calls For Sell Control.
Rampage in California leaves 14 casualities, 17 wounded
Gunmen opened fire on a holiday party on Wednesday at a social services agency in San Bernardino, California, killing 14 people and wounding 17 others, then fled the scene, triggering an intense manhunt and a shootout with police, authorities said.
One suspect was struck by gunfire and one officer was injured in a confrontation hours after the mass shooting, San Bernardino police spokeswoman Sergeant Vicki Cervantes told reporters, adding that a second suspect might still be "outstanding."
She did not know the condition of the struck suspect but said the officer's injuries were not considered to be life-threatening.
San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said in a televised news briefing earlier that as many as three suspects were believed to have made their getaway in a dark-colored sport utility vehicle. A vehicle matching that description turned up at the shootout with police several hours later, Cervantes.
The police chief said 14 people were killed and 14 others wounded in the initial shooting spree, which unfolded at 11 a.m. on the campus of the Inland Regional Center, an agency that serves the developmentally disabled.
Cervantes later revised the toll of wounded to 17, not including the suspect and police officer who were shot later.
The shooting rampage in San Bernardino, about 60 miles (100 km) east of Los Angeles, marked the deadliest US gun violence since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012, in which 27 people, including the gunman, were killed.
As the suspects fled, authorities ordered a security "lockdown" of all local schools, as well as city and county buildings, and area hospitals were placed on alert, Burguan said. Police searched door to door in the Redlands neighborhood a few miles from the site of the attack.
Burguan said he knew of no possible motive behind the attack.
"We have no information at this point that this is terrorist-related, in the traditional sense that people may be thinking," he added. "Obviously, at minimum, we have a domestic-type terrorist-type situation that occurred here."
He said the suspects were armed with rifles.
The Los Angeles Times, citing information from a senior federal official who was monitoring the case, reported that investigators believe one of the shooters left the party after getting into an argument and returned with one or two armed companions.
The Inland Regional Center is one of 21 facilities set up by the state and run under contract by non-profit organizations to serve people with developmental disabilities, said Nancy Lungren, spokeswoman for the California Department of Developmental Services.
Lavinia Johnson, executive director of the facility, told CNN the suspects opened fire inside a conference building in the complex where a holiday party was being held for county health department personnel.
The conference building sits adjacent to the two larger three-story buildings that house most of the agency's offices at the complex, Johnson said. Asked whether that meant that the Inland Regional Center staff and clients were safe, she said she understood they were being evacuated.
So far in 2015, there have been more than 350 shootings in which four or more people were wounded, according to the crowd-sourced website, which keeps a running tally of US gun violence.
The shooting in California comes less than a week after a gunman killed three people and wounded nine in a shooting rampage at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In October, a gunman killed nine people at a college in Oregon, and in June, a white gunman killed nine black churchgoers in South Carolina.
Gun control advocates, including Democratic President Barack Obama, say easy access to firearms is a major factor in the shooting epidemic, while the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun advocates say the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees Americans the right to bear arms.