Huffington Post India,
Thanks for prompt reply.
Legal Rights Observatory wants to clarify its position on HP report here.
First thing- As everyone knows, India's vast swathe of region is suffering from brutal Maoist and Naxalite violence. These armed rebels have unleashed terror in almost 11 Indian states. India's brave paramilitary forces and state Police are tackling them while beating all odds.
But biggest hurdle in their fight against Naxal and Maoists is not armed fighters living in hilly treks and jungles,but their Urban sympathizers, which are providing these bloodthirsty rebels with logistics, legal, propaganda, shelter, funds and by many other means.
Also Urban Naxal supporters are torturing Indian soldiers by slapping false and fabricated HR and Rape cases, to hit their morale.
The said activist called Nandini Sundar is openly Naxal supporter facing FIR and legal proceeding for murdering villager who was opposing Naxals on ground.
Also Nandini Sundar was involved in slapping false rape case against Indian soldier just few weeks ago, that case proved faux and Nandini forced to delete the tweet. I am attaching her tweets and few cuttings showing her fabrications.
Second Most important aspect which I want to clarify is, LRO never denied Freedom of Expression to anyone neither it would do so in future, But at the same time LRO will ruthlessly deal with those, giving well planed exposure to harbingers of violence and death, LRO won't allow anyone to run well oiled propaganda machinery on behalf of Naxals and LRO will fight all those tooth and nail, which are indulged in demoralizing our Armed Forces fighting relentless battle against merchants of death.
LRO is fully committed to all widows & orphaned kids of brave troops, who made supreme sacrifice for India.
With this letter LRO appeals and warns all sections of media to refrain from running vicious and violent propaganda against Indian Security Forces under the shoddy cover of journalistic immunity, freedom of speech and balanced journalism.
In future also LRO will monitor Indian media round the clock and will take effective legal corrective measures if Naxals, Maoists & Terror sympathizers are provided with undue and immoral importance and coverage.
I once again thanking HP for reciprocating LRO email and hope the our opinion also gets place on HP online/offline platforms.

Vinay Joshi
Convener- LRO
Legal Rights Observatory
On 26 April 2017 at 15:36, Sruthijith KK <kk.sruthijith@ huffingtonpost.in> wrote:
Sure, please send your views/comments and we'll be happy to include it in the report.--
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 3:31 PM, Legal Rights Observatory <lrobs.ind@gmail.com> wrote:
Editor,Huffington Post- India,Today, your online edition published report on link http://huff.to/2ovaXPpwith the title, "Rajdeep Sardesai Threatened With Police Complaint For Inviting Activist Nandini Sundar To His Show" I am Legal Rights Observatory- LRO Convener, wants to clarify LRO position on the said report.I hope, keeping in a view, values of free and fair values of moral and moral ethical journalism, Huffington Post will definitely find a place in it's online/ offline edition to publish LRO views on the said issue.So, please tell me whether I shall send clarification on the issue or not.If HP have no space and time to voice our position, then we will explore all other available ways to do it.Expecting your response.Regards,Vinay JoshiConvener- LROLegal Rights Observatory
Sruthijith KKEditor-in-chiefHuffPost.inExpress Building9-10, Bahadurshah Zafar MargNew DelhiDesk: +91 11 4352 7959Twitter.com/sruthijith