We are providing here details of the email ids and concerned departments to file same type of complaints against Turbat siege and Sui abductions.
Please copy the complaint draft given below and email ids of concerned departments
Email ids and departments
Secretariat of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture opcat@ohchr.org
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) cedaw@ohchr.org
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) petitions@ohchr.org
Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED) ced@ohchr.org
Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED) petitions@ohchr.org
Human Rights Committee (CCPR) ccpr@ohchr.org
Human Rights Committee (CCPR) petitions@ohchr.org
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,
Geneva, Switzerland,
Subject:- Complaint against siege of Turbat house with 4 women and 2 kids trapped inside and abduction of 20 innocent women from Sui area of Balochistan in Pakistan by Pakistani Army,
Dear Sir,
We want to drag your attention to the unfortunate incidence of indefinite siege of house belonging to Baloch social worker Pir Jan Baloch in Doctor's colony of Turbat town of Balochistan by Pakistani Army. The house is under siege for last 5 days and supply of food, water and medicines are not being allowed to the house by Army soldiers.
With such cruel act the life of people especially women and infants is in danger. It is sort of political persecution to suppress voice of Baloch national movement demanding justice from Pakistani rule.
We, hereby appeal you to take immediate notice of the incidence and order Pakistani Army to end the siege of innocent people.
Also we want to drag your attention to one more incidence where Pakistani Army has abducted 2 women from Sui area of Dera Bugti in Balochistan province of Pakista, Even after 48 hours, no one from the victim could be traced or located. And relatives and common man living in the area is under tremendous pressure due to illogical, inhuman and cruel abduction of innocent women from Baloch community.
So, we urge you to immediately issue directives to Government of Pakistan and international community to let them free the victims immediately. Also we urge you to take all possible steps to secure speedy and safe release of those trapped in Turbar siege and those abducted from Sui area.
Vinay Joshi
Social & Human Rights Activist