London- Petition demanding UK entry ban on Donald Trump attracted more than 3,00,000 signatures.It is enough for a parliamentary committee to think upon moving motion for debate in parliament. The petition to resist front runner Republican presidential candidate from arriving in UK launched official British government website for petitions as response to Donald Trump's demand for banning Muslims from U.S. entry as a measure to thwart terror threat. "Earlier UK had banned entry of many figures for hate speeches. The same rule must be applied to all those attempting to enter UK," says the petition, created by Aberdeen (Scotland), woman Suzanne Kelly, who earlier campaigned against Donald Trump's business and political activities. "As United

Kingdom is continuing using unacceptable behavior to people entering UK borders, it should be applied equally to rich and poor, to weak and powerful without discrimination" the petition mentions. By Wednesday, the petition attracted more than 3,00,000 signatures and numbers shooting up with high pace. Any independent petition that have more than 1,00,000 signatures receives consideration by Parliament Petitions Committee, which judges whether to forward the petition for parliamentary debate by Member of Parliaments. The Petitions committee will think upon what to do with it by January 5, 2016, revealed PR office of House of Commons. The Office said, home secretary enjoys power to include or exclude people, though this

might not happen with Donald Trump. Suzanne Kelly, writer for website of citizen journalist , Aberdeen Voice, had written reports in the past documenting issues with Trump's construction of a huge, rich golf resort in Aberdeen- Scotland, which triggered Trump conflict with local people. Kelly had launched petition requesting Aberdeen Robert Gordon University to strip off Donald Trump of an honorary degree which conferred on him. Petition attracted more than 38,000 endorsements, argued that Donald Trump's behaviour and rhetoric is detrimental for University's glory. She wrote, current petition will offer chance to British people to firmly stand against those committing hate speeches. Trump remarks triggered outrage in US and worldwide. White House PRO Josh Earnest lashed out at Trump saying his comments qualitatively

disqualifies Trump from serving as US president." Trump's quote next day mentioning, that few parts of London city were so radicalized, that agencies and British police don't dare to enter and feared for their lives," sparked row in the UK. UK PM David Cameron generally don't comment on American presidential candidates, denounced Trump's comments as useless. London Metropolitan Police Department invited Donald Trump for briefing on the reality check of policing activities in London, also London Mayor Boris Johnson gave sharp response to Trump, as sheer nonsense. Though Trump got few supporters in a UK which are wary of the prospects of ISIS inroads. A petition on the UK government website urged British leaders to halt and bar all immigrants and shut UK borders until IS is totally defeated." The petition, drew more than 4,40,000 signatures since September was rejected by the UK government.