Fellow Indian's letter to Shoma Choudhary and Indian Media in general....
From: mpatankar <mpatankar@3iindia.com>
Date: Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 12:34 PM
Subject: shomas interview on headlines today and vinod mehta in times now
To: shoma <shoma@tehelka.com>, editors <editors@tehelka.com>, bureau <bureau@tehelka.com>, tarun <tarun@tehelka.com>

hi shoma,
From: mpatankar <mpatankar@3iindia.com>
Date: Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 12:34 PM
Subject: shomas interview on headlines today and vinod mehta in times now
To: shoma <shoma@tehelka.com>, editors <editors@tehelka.com>, bureau <bureau@tehelka.com>, tarun <tarun@tehelka.com>

hi shoma,
yesterday you appeared on tv in interview with nalin mehta, where you categorically stated that you are aware of many such episodes (like one in which tarun has allegedly raped a young employee) in other media houses. similarly vinod mehta on times now yesterday stated " arnab you know and i know this happens and has been happening in all media houses for decades ---".
media houses therefore appear to be rapist and predators paradise. it may be a good idea that shoma, vinod ,,rahul singh,roy et al start a rapist and predators management institute with a suitable chairman who is now available ?
since you are in knowledge of those rapist and predators instead of bringing them to book , you should call them in your institute for practical demonstrations with a fat honorarium.