---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Legal Rights Observatory
Date: 2 April 2017 at 07:27
Subject: About Uttar Pradesh Illegal Slaughter Houses Ban
To: info@petaindia.org, media@petaindia.org, info@peta.org
Vinay Joshi LRO convener- Legal Rights Observatory,
Amit Shah, Narendra Modi, vinay joshi rajdeep sardesai, sagarika ghose,
sagarika ghosh
As PETA is always on front while demanding ban on Indian Bull Fight Jallikattu and many other issues pertaining to animal rights and ethical behavior with animals and birds, Indians were of the opinion that YOU will aggressively support ban promulgated by UP government.
PETA India,
As you know, newly formed Uttar Pradesh state Government has ordered crack down on illegal slaughter houses in the state. After the execution of state government's order in this direction, the whole swath of Indian media jumped in to thrash, criticize and demonize state government of Uttar Pradesh.
But, what stunned LRO is stoic silence assumed by PETA India on the issue. The people of India eagerly waiting for the statement from PETA India either supporting Uttar Pradesh Government or condemning those opposing ban on illegal slaughter houses, but nothing of that sort came in.
So, with this email, LRO demands,
1) Immediate statement from PETA India either supporting or condemning ban on illegal slaughter houses by Uttar Pradesh government,
2) Immediate statement from PETA India, either condemning or supporting those opposing ban promulgated by Uttar Pradesh government.
3) Statement from PETA India on Halaal Meat traditions dominant in few religions in the world, in which animals are slaughtered by cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe, which prohibits killing animal and bird in single stroke.
The unambiguous statement from PETA India is must to prove that PETA stands for and committed to stop cruelty in all forms, against all animals and birds, irrespective of traditions, religions and regions.
If PETA India fails to clarify its position on aforesaid points, then it would be presumed as PETA is politically motivated, religiously biased and ideologically selectively ethical. In such scenario, it's credibility will receive serious setback and irreversible damage.
Convener- LRO