Legal Rights Observatory writes letter to National Investigation Agency- NIA to investigate Scroll website's reporters in journalist Gauri Lankesh murder case. The Scroll website has published a report quoting "Friends and Associates" of Gauri Lankesh which have clues about killers of Lankesh. Gauri Lankesh was shot dead in Bengaluru yesterday by unidentified gunmen.

Here is the copy of the LRO letter to DG- NIA

Here is the copy of the LRO letter to DG- NIA
Shri. Sharad Kumar, IPS
About:- Possible evidences of murder of journalist Gauri Lankesh in Bengaluru on September 05, 2017.
Dates:- September 06, 2017
While surfing internet regarding yesterday's murder of journalist Gauri Lankesh in Bengaluru- Karnataka, Legal Rights Observatory team came across news report on site
The report's title is "Gauri Lankesh remembered: ‘She took majoritarian Hindutva politics head on" and it is available on the link https://scroll.************************************************
The very first paragraph of the report mentions that,"Gauri Lankesh, senior journalist and activist, was staunchly secular and vocal about it. Lankesh was known to be critical, and stridently so – about Hindutva, Right-Wing forces in the country and also about Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This often got her into trouble and is what, many of her friends and associates suspect, got her killed."
Especially last line of aforesaid paragraph specifically points out at deceased Gauri Lankesh's friends and associates along with Scroll website's reporters who have hints about the people conspiring and actually killing Gauri Lankesh.
With this letter, LRO demands immediate interrogation of Scroll website's reporters to extract the names of "Friends and Associates" of Gauri Lankesh, who could share the names of perpetrators of her murder. LRO believes that immediate and professional investigation of Scroll's sources could quickly crack the case and it would help in reaching to the assassins. If we comes across any such evidences in this regard we would like to share it with NIA.
Legal Rights Observatory