Senior Baloch activist Naela Quadri Baloch -President of World Baloch Women's Forum, made stunning allegations against Pakistan. She said that Pakistani army is using chemical weapons against Baloch people. The bodies of innocent Baloch people recovered yesterday in Makran- Balochistan were charred beyond recognition due to use of chemical weapons. She said that the use of chemical weapons is not new against Baloch people but after Modi's speech, world media is taking it seriously and Pakistani sins are coming to fore.

She also made shocking allegation against Pakistan that PAkistani army is plucking out human organs like eyes, lever, kidneys and herats from abducted Baloch kids and youth and Pakistan army is indulged in illicit organ trade.
The Pakistn army has stepped up attacks against Baloch people after their overwhelming response to Modi's August 15 speech in New Delhi professing Baloch cause.

Naela Baloch said further, that now world community must force Pakistan to stop inhuman atrocities against innocent Baloch in Balochistan.
In 2004 UN Security Council Resolution 1540 made it compulsory to all nations to stop spread chemical weapons by non state actors and terror groups.
The world is uniting against use of chemical weapons in war and at the same time the country like Pakistan is using it not in war but against its own civilians.