Enhance income from Desi Cows by collective manufacturing and marketing of Cow Urine and Dung based products like high quality compost and panch-gavya medicines. To provide rural employment.
Enhance profitability of Desi Cow owners by providing income source in addtion to milk.
To preserve the Indian Cow and progeny by providing additional income from Cow Urine and Dung.
Create awareness among the villagers in regard to role and importance of Cow progeny in the village economy.
Help farmers to reduce expenditure and dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
To promote organic farming by manufacturing Bio Fertilizers and Bio Pesticides.
To provide rural employment.
Promote Cow based products for daily and medicinal use.
Current Scenario
Desi Cows prodive less quantity of milk compared to Jercy Cows. This has led farmers to shift to Jercy Cows.Though this Cows provide more milk, they require higher maintenance and medical expenditure. They are also costly to buy. The quality of milk is not same as Desi Cows from the medicinal, nutrition, taste and nourishment perspective.This entire system is high investment and high maintenance one. Many farmers do not have resources to buy or maintain jercy Cows.
On the other hand, Desi Cows do not require high maintenance or medical expenses. Their urine and dung has ample use in farming and medicinal items.Most of the farmers in rural area will have one or two Cows at most. On this scale they are not in a position to generate additional income from Cow Urine and Dung. Either they do not have knowlledge about the process of manufacturing or investments for equipments or market for this products and sometimes none of these.
Now there is awareness among them that they have lot of potential in terms of bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, bio-energy and panch-gavya medicines.
The old and infirm cattle will no longer be a burden on them. Some Goshalass have started preparing different composts, Bio-pesticides and Bio-energy but their efforts lack scientific back-up, with the result that none of them have been able to create a market for their products.
It is now an accepted fact that the chemical fertilizers and pesticides not only have adverse effects on soil but also are harmful for human health. Even the agriculture scientists agree with the view that regular use of chemical fertilizers leads to a situation when land ultimately becomes unproductive and barren because of destruction of microbes.
On the other hand, organic manure provides most of the plant nutrients. The microbes are encouraged. Texture of the soil improves. It becomes porous with more aeration. Humus elements increase at a faster rate. Resistance power of the soil to fight fungus, pests and insects etc. increases. This all adds to the fertility of the soil.
Our Solutions:
We plan to set up unit to process Cow Urine and Dung into high quality compost using scientific methods and other medicinal Cow products as per relevant Ayurveda texts.
We will procure Cow Urine and Dung from farmers from nearby areas on commercial basis.This will provide them assured additional income from their Cows.The Compost can be used by the participating farmers. This will be part of the commercial arrangements.We will market the medicinal items with relevant agencies.
The unit can have best of the practices and equipments to produce all these efficiently. Economies of scale will come into the picture.
Small and marginal farmers and all people having cows
Cow owner will get assured additional income for Cow Dung and Urine
The farmer will get high quality compost for his own use without investing time, efforts and money
The processing unit will provide employment for 2 people for every 15 Cows.
This project will protect indigenous desi breeds for future generations
This will protect bio diversity of our country
Quality Cow products will be available to all people