Dear Mr.Vinay Joshi,
Since last two years I am writing various articles regarding 26/11 Mumbai terror attack.You had filed court suit against me and Sahara Publications in Navi Mumbai court for my articles regarding Mumbai attack.I never wrote anything to deliberately hurt the feelings of anyone.But if you are disturbed or hurt due to any article or anything I quoted in my article,then I am extremely sorry for this.Hope you would accept my apology.
Also I am requesting you for the immediate withdrawal of court case filed against me in Navi Mumbai court,as it is creating professional difficulties for me and I cannot afford to bear cost of litigation.I never intended to target India's security apparatus and any patriotic organisation working in India.but if there are any references made in my articles by mistake then I am really sorry for that.I assure you that I will not write anything in future that may hurt anyone and I will take utmost care for the same.Expecting quick withdrawal of court case once again.
Thanks & regards,
Aziz Burney,
Sahara India Complex,
C-2,3,4; Sector 11,Noida-201301
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Radical Islamic Writer Aziz Burney Apologized For His Book For Remarks Against RSS
Aziz Burney,group editor of Sahara Publications has apologized for his allegations against RSS.India Policy Foundation has led the frontal attack on Aziz Burney when Prof Rakesh Sinha published monograph on Burney's articles.Also court case against Aziz Burney for pro-Pakistani and anti-India articles is under way.These both things compelled him to unconditionally apologize.Read here Aziz Burney's apology letter.

Friday, January 28, 2011
The Projections of the Global Muslim Population From 2010 to 2030
Projections for 2010-2030
January 27, 2011
Gist Of The Analysis.
The world's Muslim population is expected to increase by about 35% in the next 20 years, rising from 1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.2 billion by 2030, according to new population projections by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life.
Globally, the Muslim population is forecast to grow at about twice the rate of the non-Muslim population over the next two decades -- an average annual growth rate of 1.5% for Muslims, compared with 0.7% for non-Muslims. If current trends continue, Muslims will make up 26.4% of the world's total projected population of 8.3 billion in 2030, up from 23.4% of the estimated 2010 world population of 6.9 billion.
While the global Muslim population is expected to grow at a faster rate than the non-Muslim population, the Muslim population nevertheless is expected to grow at a slower pace in the next two decades than it did in the previous two decades. From 1990 to 2010, the global Muslim population increased at an average annual rate of 2.2%, compared with the projected rate of 1.5% for the period from 2010 to 2030.
These are among the key findings of a comprehensive report on the size, distribution and growth of the global Muslim population. The report by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life seeks to provide up-to-date estimates of the number of Muslims around the world in 2010 and to project the growth of the Muslim population from 2010 to 2030. The projections are based both on past demographic trends and on assumptions about how these trends will play out in future years. Making these projections inevitably entails a host of uncertainties, including political ones. Changes in the political climate in the United States or European nations, for example, could dramatically affect the patterns of Muslim migration.
If current trends continue, however, 79 countries will have a million or more Muslim inhabitants in 2030, up from 72 countries today.1 A majority of the world's Muslims (about 60%) will continue to live in the Asia-Pacific region, while about 20% will live in the Middle East and North Africa, as is the case today. But Pakistan is expected to surpass Indonesia as the country with the single largest Muslim population. The portion of the world's Muslims living in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to rise; in 20 years, for example, more Muslims are likely to live in Nigeria than in Egypt. Muslims will remain relatively small minorities in Europe and the Americas, but they are expected to constitute a growing share of the total population in these regions.
In the United States, for example, the population projections show the number of Muslims more than doubling over the next two decades, rising from 2.6 million in 2010 to 6.2 million in 2030, in large part because of immigration and higher-than-average fertility among Muslims. The Muslim share of the U.S. population (adults and children) is projected to grow from 0.8% in 2010 to 1.7% in 2030, making Muslims roughly as numerous as Jews or Episcopalians are in the United States today. Although several European countries will have substantially higher percentages of Muslims, the United States is projected to have a larger number of Muslims by 2030 than any European country other than Russia and France. (See the Americas section of the full report for more details.)
In Europe as a whole, the Muslim share of the population is expected to grow by nearly one-third over the next 20 years, rising from 6% of the region's inhabitants in 2010 to 8% in 2030. In absolute numbers, Europe's Muslim population is projected to grow from 44.1 million in 2010 to 58.2 million in 2030. The greatest increases -- driven primarily by continued migration -- are likely to occur in Western and Northern Europe, where Muslims will be approaching double-digit percentages of the population in several countries. In the United Kingdom, for example, Muslims are expected to account for 8.2% of the population in 2030, up from an estimated 4.6% today. In Austria, Muslims are projected to reach 9.3% of the population in 2030, up from 5.7% today; in Sweden, 9.9% (up from 4.9% today); in Belgium, 10.2% (up from 6% today); and in France, 10.3% (up from 7.5% today). (See the Europe section of the full report for more details.)
Several factors account for the faster projected growth among Muslims than non-Muslims worldwide. Generally, Muslim populations tend to have higher fertility rates (more children per woman) than non-Muslim populations. In addition, a larger share of the Muslim population is in, or soon will enter, the prime reproductive years (ages 15-29). Also, improved health and economic conditions in Muslim-majority countries have led to greater-than-average declines in infant and child mortality rates, and life expectancy is rising even faster in Muslim-majority countries than in other less-developed countries. (See the section on Main Factors Driving Population Growth in the full report for more details. For a list of Muslim-majority countries and definitions for the terms less- and more-developed, see the section on Muslim- Majority Countries.)
Growing, But at a Slower Rate
The growth of the global Muslim population, however, should not obscure another important demographic trend: the rate of growth among Muslims has been slowing in recent decades and is likely to continue to decline over the next 20 years, as the graph below shows. From 1990 to 2000, the Muslim population grew at an average annual rate of 2.3%. The growth rate dipped to 2.1% from 2000 to 2010, and it is projected to drop to 1.7% from 2010 to 2020 and 1.4% from 2020 to 2030 (or 1.5% annually over the 20-year period from 2010 to 2030, as previously noted).
The declining growth rate is due primarily to falling fertility rates in many Muslim-majority countries, including such populous nations as Indonesia and Bangladesh. Fertility is dropping as more women in these countries obtain a secondary education, living standards rise and people move from rural areas to cities and towns. (See the Related Factors section in the full report for more details.)
The slowdown in Muslim population growth is most pronounced in the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East-North Africa and Europe, and less sharp in sub-Saharan Africa. The only region where Muslim population growth is accelerating through 2020 is the Americas, largely because of immigration. (For details, see the charts on population growth in the sections of this report on Asia-Pacific, Middle-East-North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Europe and the Americas.)
Falling birth rates eventually will lead to significant shifts in the age structure of Muslim populations. While the worldwide Muslim population today is relatively young, the so-called Muslim "youth bulge" -- the high percentage of Muslims in their teens and 20s -- peaked around the year 2000 and is now declining. (See the Age Structure section of the full report for more details.)
In 1990, more than two-thirds of the total population of Muslim-majority countries was under age 30. Today, people under age 30 make up about 60% of the population of these countries, and by 2030 they are projected to fall to about 50%.
At the same time, many Muslim-majority countries will have aging populations; between 2010 and 2030, the share of people ages 30 and older in these countries is expected to rise from 40% to 50%, and the share of people ages 60 and older is expected nearly to double, from 7% to 12%. Muslim-majority countries, however, are not the only ones with aging populations. As birth rates drop and people live longer all around the globe, the population of the entire world is aging. As a result, the global Muslim population will remain comparatively youthful for decades to come. The median age in Muslim-majority countries, for example, rose from 19 in 1990 to 24 in 2010 and is expected to climb to 30 by 2030. But it will still be lower than the median age in North America, Europe and other more-developed regions, which rose from age 34 to 40 between 1990 and 2010 and is projected to be age 44 in 2030. By that year, nearly three-in-ten of the world's youth and young adults -- 29.1% of people ages 15-29 -- are projected to be Muslims, up from 25.8% in 2010 and 20.0% in 1990.
Other key findings of the study include:
• Sunni Muslims will continue to make up an overwhelming majority of Muslims in 2030 (87%- 90%). The portion of the world's Muslims who are Shia may decline slightly, largely because of relatively low fertility in Iran, where more than a third of the world's Shia Muslims live.
• As of 2010, about three-quarters of the world's Muslims (74.1%) live in the 49 countries in which Muslims make up a majority of the population. More than a fifth of all Muslims (23.3%) live in non-Muslim-majority countries in the developing world. About 3% of the world's Muslims live in more-developed regions, such as Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
• Fertility rates in Muslim-majority countries are closely related to women's education levels. In the eight Muslim-majority countries where girls generally receive the fewest years of schooling, the average fertility rate (5.0 children per woman) is more than double the average rate (2.3 children per woman) in the nine Muslim-majority countries where girls generally receive the most years of schooling. One exception is the Palestinian territories, where the average fertility rate (4.5 children per woman) is relatively high even though a girl born there today can expect to receive 14 years of formal education.
• Fewer than half (47.8%) of married women ages 15-49 in Muslim-majority countries use some form of birth control. By comparison, in non-Muslim-majority, less-developed countries nearly two-thirds (63.3%) of all married women in that age group use some form of birth control.
• Nearly three-in-ten people living in the Asia-Pacific region in 2030 (27.3%) will be Muslim, up from about a quarter in 2010 (24.8%) and roughly a fifth in 1990 (21.6%).
• Muslims make up only about 2% of the population in China, but because the country is so populous, its Muslim population is expected to be the 19th largest in the world in 2030.
Middle East-North Africa
• The Middle East-North Africa will continue to have the highest percentage of Muslim-majority countries. Of the 20 countries and territories in this region, all but Israel are projected to be at least 50% Muslim in 2030, and 17 are expected to have a population that is more than 75% Muslim in 2030, with Israel, Lebanon and Sudan (as currently demarcated) being the only exceptions.
• Nearly a quarter (23.2%) of Israel's population is expected to be Muslim in 2030, up from 17.7% in 2010 and 14.1% in 1990. During the past 20 years, the Muslim population in Israel has more than doubled, growing from 0.6 million in 1990 to 1.3 million in 2010. The Muslim population in Israel (including Jerusalem but not the West Bank and Gaza) is expected to reach 2.1 million by 2030.
• Egypt, Algeria and Morocco currently have the largest Muslim populations (in absolute numbers) in the Middle East-North Africa. By 2030, however, Iraq is expected to have the second-largest Muslim population in the region -- exceeded only by Egypt -- largely because Iraq has a higher fertility rate than Algeria or Morocco.
Sub-Saharan Africa
• The Muslim population in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to grow by nearly 60% in the next 20 years, from 242.5 million in 2010 to 385.9 million in 2030. Because the region's non- Muslim population also is growing at a rapid pace, Muslims are expected to make up only a slightly larger share of the region's population in 2030 (31.0%) than they do in 2010 (29.6%).
• Various surveys give differing figures for the size of religious groups in Nigeria, which appears to have roughly equal numbers of Muslims and Christians in 2010. By 2030, Nigeria is expected to have a slight Muslim majority (51.5%).
• In 2030, Muslims are projected to make up more than 10% of the total population in 10 European countries: Kosovo (93.5%), Albania (83.2%), Bosnia-Herzegovina (42.7%), Republic of Macedonia (40.3%), Montenegro (21.5%), Bulgaria (15.7%), Russia (14.4%), Georgia (11.5%), France (10.3%) and Belgium (10.2%).
• Russia will continue to have the largest Muslim population (in absolute numbers) in Europe in 2030. Its Muslim population is expected to rise from 16.4 million in 2010 to 18.6 million in 2030. The growth rate for the Muslim population in Russia is projected to be 0.6% annually over the next two decades. By contrast, Russia's non-Muslim population is expected to shrink by an average of 0.6% annually over the same period.
• France had an expected net influx of 66,000 Muslim immigrants in 2010, primarily from North Africa. Muslims accounted for an estimated two-thirds (68.5%) of all new immigrants to France in the past year. Spain was expected to see a net gain of 70,000 Muslim immigrants in 2010, but they account for a much smaller portion of all new immigrants to Spain (13.1%). The U.K.'s net inflow of Muslim immigrants in the past year (nearly 64,000) was forecast to be nearly as large as France's. More than a quarter (28.1%) of all new immigrants to the U.K. in 2010 are estimated to be Muslim.
The Americas
• The number of Muslims in Canada is expected to nearly triple in the next 20 years, from about 940,000 in 2010 to nearly 2.7 million in 2030. Muslims are expected to make up 6.6% of Canada's total population in 2030, up from 2.8% today. Argentina is expected to have the third-largest Muslim population in the Americas, after the U.S. and Canada. Argentina, with about 1 million Muslims in 2010, is now in second place, behind the U.S.
• Children under age 15 make up a relatively small portion of the U.S. Muslim population today. Only 13.1% of Muslims are in the 0-14 age group. This reflects the fact that a large proportion of Muslims in the U.S. are newer immigrants who arrived as adults. But by 2030, many of these immigrants are expected to start families. If current trends continue, the numbers of U.S. Muslims under age 15 will more than triple, from fewer than 500,000 in 2010 to 1.8 million in2030. The number of Muslim children ages 0-4 living in the U.S. is expected to increase from fewer than 200,000 in 2010 to more than 650,000 in 2030.
• About two-thirds of the Muslims in the U.S. today (64.5%) are first-generation immigrants (foreign-born), while slightly more than a third (35.5%) were born in the U.S. By 2030, however, more than four-in-ten of the Muslims in the U.S. (44.9%) are expected to be native-born.
• The top countries of origin for Muslim immigrants to the U.S. in 2009 were Pakistan and Bangladesh. They are expected to remain the top countries of origin for Muslim immigrants to the U.S. in 2030.
About the Report
This report makes demographic projections. Projections are not the same as predictions. Rather, they are estimates built on current population data and assumptions about demographic trends; they are what will happen if the current data are accurate and the trends play out as expected. But many things -- immigration laws, economic conditions, natural disasters, armed conflicts, scientific discoveries, social movements and political upheavals, to name just a few -- can shift demographic trends in unforeseen ways, which is why this report adheres to a modest time frame, looking just 20 years down the road. Even so, there is no guarantee that Muslim populations will grow at precisely the rates anticipated in this report and not be affected by unforeseen events, such as political decisions on immigration quotas or national campaigns to encourage larger or smaller families.
The projections presented in this report are the medium figures in a range of three scenarios -- high, medium and low -- generated from models commonly used by demographers around the world to forecast changes in population size and composition. The models follow what is known as the cohort-component method, which starts with a baseline population (in this case, the current number of Muslims in each country) divided into groups, or cohorts, by age and sex. Each cohort is projected into the future by adding likely gains -- new births and immigrants -- and subtracting likely losses - deaths and emigrants. These calculations were made by the Pew Forum's demographers, who collaborated with researchers at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria on the projections for the United States and European countries. (For more details, see Appendix A: Methodology.)
The current population data that underpin this report were culled from the best sources available on Muslims in each of the 232 countries and territories for which the U.N. Population Division provides general population estimates. Many of these baseline statistics were published in the Pew Forum's 2009 report, Mapping the Global Muslim Population, which acquired and analyzed about 1,500 sources of data -- including census reports, large-scale demographic studies and general population surveys -- to estimate the number of Muslims in every country and territory. (For a list of sources, see Appendix B: Data Sources by Country.)
All of those estimates have been updated for 2010, and some have been substantially revised. (To find the current estimate and projections for a particular region or country, see Muslim Population by Country, 1990-2030.) Since many countries are conducting national censuses in 2010-11, more data are likely to emerge over the next few years, but a cut-off must be made at some point; this report is based on information available as of mid-2010. To the extent possible, the report provides data for decennial years -- 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 and 2030. In some cases, however, the time periods vary because data is available only for certain years or in five-year increments (e.g., 2010-15 or 2030-35).
The definition of Muslim in this report is very broad. The goal is to count all groups and individuals who self-identify as Muslims. This includes Muslims who may be secular or nonobservant. No attempt is made in this report to measure how religious Muslims are or to forecast levels of religiosity (or secularism) in the decades ahead.
January 27, 2011
Gist Of The Analysis.
The world's Muslim population is expected to increase by about 35% in the next 20 years, rising from 1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.2 billion by 2030, according to new population projections by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life.
Globally, the Muslim population is forecast to grow at about twice the rate of the non-Muslim population over the next two decades -- an average annual growth rate of 1.5% for Muslims, compared with 0.7% for non-Muslims. If current trends continue, Muslims will make up 26.4% of the world's total projected population of 8.3 billion in 2030, up from 23.4% of the estimated 2010 world population of 6.9 billion.
While the global Muslim population is expected to grow at a faster rate than the non-Muslim population, the Muslim population nevertheless is expected to grow at a slower pace in the next two decades than it did in the previous two decades. From 1990 to 2010, the global Muslim population increased at an average annual rate of 2.2%, compared with the projected rate of 1.5% for the period from 2010 to 2030.
These are among the key findings of a comprehensive report on the size, distribution and growth of the global Muslim population. The report by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life seeks to provide up-to-date estimates of the number of Muslims around the world in 2010 and to project the growth of the Muslim population from 2010 to 2030. The projections are based both on past demographic trends and on assumptions about how these trends will play out in future years. Making these projections inevitably entails a host of uncertainties, including political ones. Changes in the political climate in the United States or European nations, for example, could dramatically affect the patterns of Muslim migration.
If current trends continue, however, 79 countries will have a million or more Muslim inhabitants in 2030, up from 72 countries today.1 A majority of the world's Muslims (about 60%) will continue to live in the Asia-Pacific region, while about 20% will live in the Middle East and North Africa, as is the case today. But Pakistan is expected to surpass Indonesia as the country with the single largest Muslim population. The portion of the world's Muslims living in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to rise; in 20 years, for example, more Muslims are likely to live in Nigeria than in Egypt. Muslims will remain relatively small minorities in Europe and the Americas, but they are expected to constitute a growing share of the total population in these regions.
In the United States, for example, the population projections show the number of Muslims more than doubling over the next two decades, rising from 2.6 million in 2010 to 6.2 million in 2030, in large part because of immigration and higher-than-average fertility among Muslims. The Muslim share of the U.S. population (adults and children) is projected to grow from 0.8% in 2010 to 1.7% in 2030, making Muslims roughly as numerous as Jews or Episcopalians are in the United States today. Although several European countries will have substantially higher percentages of Muslims, the United States is projected to have a larger number of Muslims by 2030 than any European country other than Russia and France. (See the Americas section of the full report for more details.)
In Europe as a whole, the Muslim share of the population is expected to grow by nearly one-third over the next 20 years, rising from 6% of the region's inhabitants in 2010 to 8% in 2030. In absolute numbers, Europe's Muslim population is projected to grow from 44.1 million in 2010 to 58.2 million in 2030. The greatest increases -- driven primarily by continued migration -- are likely to occur in Western and Northern Europe, where Muslims will be approaching double-digit percentages of the population in several countries. In the United Kingdom, for example, Muslims are expected to account for 8.2% of the population in 2030, up from an estimated 4.6% today. In Austria, Muslims are projected to reach 9.3% of the population in 2030, up from 5.7% today; in Sweden, 9.9% (up from 4.9% today); in Belgium, 10.2% (up from 6% today); and in France, 10.3% (up from 7.5% today). (See the Europe section of the full report for more details.)
Several factors account for the faster projected growth among Muslims than non-Muslims worldwide. Generally, Muslim populations tend to have higher fertility rates (more children per woman) than non-Muslim populations. In addition, a larger share of the Muslim population is in, or soon will enter, the prime reproductive years (ages 15-29). Also, improved health and economic conditions in Muslim-majority countries have led to greater-than-average declines in infant and child mortality rates, and life expectancy is rising even faster in Muslim-majority countries than in other less-developed countries. (See the section on Main Factors Driving Population Growth in the full report for more details. For a list of Muslim-majority countries and definitions for the terms less- and more-developed, see the section on Muslim- Majority Countries.)
Growing, But at a Slower Rate
The growth of the global Muslim population, however, should not obscure another important demographic trend: the rate of growth among Muslims has been slowing in recent decades and is likely to continue to decline over the next 20 years, as the graph below shows. From 1990 to 2000, the Muslim population grew at an average annual rate of 2.3%. The growth rate dipped to 2.1% from 2000 to 2010, and it is projected to drop to 1.7% from 2010 to 2020 and 1.4% from 2020 to 2030 (or 1.5% annually over the 20-year period from 2010 to 2030, as previously noted).
The declining growth rate is due primarily to falling fertility rates in many Muslim-majority countries, including such populous nations as Indonesia and Bangladesh. Fertility is dropping as more women in these countries obtain a secondary education, living standards rise and people move from rural areas to cities and towns. (See the Related Factors section in the full report for more details.)
The slowdown in Muslim population growth is most pronounced in the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East-North Africa and Europe, and less sharp in sub-Saharan Africa. The only region where Muslim population growth is accelerating through 2020 is the Americas, largely because of immigration. (For details, see the charts on population growth in the sections of this report on Asia-Pacific, Middle-East-North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Europe and the Americas.)
Falling birth rates eventually will lead to significant shifts in the age structure of Muslim populations. While the worldwide Muslim population today is relatively young, the so-called Muslim "youth bulge" -- the high percentage of Muslims in their teens and 20s -- peaked around the year 2000 and is now declining. (See the Age Structure section of the full report for more details.)
In 1990, more than two-thirds of the total population of Muslim-majority countries was under age 30. Today, people under age 30 make up about 60% of the population of these countries, and by 2030 they are projected to fall to about 50%.
At the same time, many Muslim-majority countries will have aging populations; between 2010 and 2030, the share of people ages 30 and older in these countries is expected to rise from 40% to 50%, and the share of people ages 60 and older is expected nearly to double, from 7% to 12%. Muslim-majority countries, however, are not the only ones with aging populations. As birth rates drop and people live longer all around the globe, the population of the entire world is aging. As a result, the global Muslim population will remain comparatively youthful for decades to come. The median age in Muslim-majority countries, for example, rose from 19 in 1990 to 24 in 2010 and is expected to climb to 30 by 2030. But it will still be lower than the median age in North America, Europe and other more-developed regions, which rose from age 34 to 40 between 1990 and 2010 and is projected to be age 44 in 2030. By that year, nearly three-in-ten of the world's youth and young adults -- 29.1% of people ages 15-29 -- are projected to be Muslims, up from 25.8% in 2010 and 20.0% in 1990.
Other key findings of the study include:
• Sunni Muslims will continue to make up an overwhelming majority of Muslims in 2030 (87%- 90%). The portion of the world's Muslims who are Shia may decline slightly, largely because of relatively low fertility in Iran, where more than a third of the world's Shia Muslims live.
• As of 2010, about three-quarters of the world's Muslims (74.1%) live in the 49 countries in which Muslims make up a majority of the population. More than a fifth of all Muslims (23.3%) live in non-Muslim-majority countries in the developing world. About 3% of the world's Muslims live in more-developed regions, such as Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
• Fertility rates in Muslim-majority countries are closely related to women's education levels. In the eight Muslim-majority countries where girls generally receive the fewest years of schooling, the average fertility rate (5.0 children per woman) is more than double the average rate (2.3 children per woman) in the nine Muslim-majority countries where girls generally receive the most years of schooling. One exception is the Palestinian territories, where the average fertility rate (4.5 children per woman) is relatively high even though a girl born there today can expect to receive 14 years of formal education.
• Fewer than half (47.8%) of married women ages 15-49 in Muslim-majority countries use some form of birth control. By comparison, in non-Muslim-majority, less-developed countries nearly two-thirds (63.3%) of all married women in that age group use some form of birth control.
• Nearly three-in-ten people living in the Asia-Pacific region in 2030 (27.3%) will be Muslim, up from about a quarter in 2010 (24.8%) and roughly a fifth in 1990 (21.6%).
• Muslims make up only about 2% of the population in China, but because the country is so populous, its Muslim population is expected to be the 19th largest in the world in 2030.
Middle East-North Africa
• The Middle East-North Africa will continue to have the highest percentage of Muslim-majority countries. Of the 20 countries and territories in this region, all but Israel are projected to be at least 50% Muslim in 2030, and 17 are expected to have a population that is more than 75% Muslim in 2030, with Israel, Lebanon and Sudan (as currently demarcated) being the only exceptions.
• Nearly a quarter (23.2%) of Israel's population is expected to be Muslim in 2030, up from 17.7% in 2010 and 14.1% in 1990. During the past 20 years, the Muslim population in Israel has more than doubled, growing from 0.6 million in 1990 to 1.3 million in 2010. The Muslim population in Israel (including Jerusalem but not the West Bank and Gaza) is expected to reach 2.1 million by 2030.
• Egypt, Algeria and Morocco currently have the largest Muslim populations (in absolute numbers) in the Middle East-North Africa. By 2030, however, Iraq is expected to have the second-largest Muslim population in the region -- exceeded only by Egypt -- largely because Iraq has a higher fertility rate than Algeria or Morocco.
Sub-Saharan Africa
• The Muslim population in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to grow by nearly 60% in the next 20 years, from 242.5 million in 2010 to 385.9 million in 2030. Because the region's non- Muslim population also is growing at a rapid pace, Muslims are expected to make up only a slightly larger share of the region's population in 2030 (31.0%) than they do in 2010 (29.6%).
• Various surveys give differing figures for the size of religious groups in Nigeria, which appears to have roughly equal numbers of Muslims and Christians in 2010. By 2030, Nigeria is expected to have a slight Muslim majority (51.5%).
• In 2030, Muslims are projected to make up more than 10% of the total population in 10 European countries: Kosovo (93.5%), Albania (83.2%), Bosnia-Herzegovina (42.7%), Republic of Macedonia (40.3%), Montenegro (21.5%), Bulgaria (15.7%), Russia (14.4%), Georgia (11.5%), France (10.3%) and Belgium (10.2%).
• Russia will continue to have the largest Muslim population (in absolute numbers) in Europe in 2030. Its Muslim population is expected to rise from 16.4 million in 2010 to 18.6 million in 2030. The growth rate for the Muslim population in Russia is projected to be 0.6% annually over the next two decades. By contrast, Russia's non-Muslim population is expected to shrink by an average of 0.6% annually over the same period.
• France had an expected net influx of 66,000 Muslim immigrants in 2010, primarily from North Africa. Muslims accounted for an estimated two-thirds (68.5%) of all new immigrants to France in the past year. Spain was expected to see a net gain of 70,000 Muslim immigrants in 2010, but they account for a much smaller portion of all new immigrants to Spain (13.1%). The U.K.'s net inflow of Muslim immigrants in the past year (nearly 64,000) was forecast to be nearly as large as France's. More than a quarter (28.1%) of all new immigrants to the U.K. in 2010 are estimated to be Muslim.
The Americas
• The number of Muslims in Canada is expected to nearly triple in the next 20 years, from about 940,000 in 2010 to nearly 2.7 million in 2030. Muslims are expected to make up 6.6% of Canada's total population in 2030, up from 2.8% today. Argentina is expected to have the third-largest Muslim population in the Americas, after the U.S. and Canada. Argentina, with about 1 million Muslims in 2010, is now in second place, behind the U.S.
• Children under age 15 make up a relatively small portion of the U.S. Muslim population today. Only 13.1% of Muslims are in the 0-14 age group. This reflects the fact that a large proportion of Muslims in the U.S. are newer immigrants who arrived as adults. But by 2030, many of these immigrants are expected to start families. If current trends continue, the numbers of U.S. Muslims under age 15 will more than triple, from fewer than 500,000 in 2010 to 1.8 million in2030. The number of Muslim children ages 0-4 living in the U.S. is expected to increase from fewer than 200,000 in 2010 to more than 650,000 in 2030.
• About two-thirds of the Muslims in the U.S. today (64.5%) are first-generation immigrants (foreign-born), while slightly more than a third (35.5%) were born in the U.S. By 2030, however, more than four-in-ten of the Muslims in the U.S. (44.9%) are expected to be native-born.
• The top countries of origin for Muslim immigrants to the U.S. in 2009 were Pakistan and Bangladesh. They are expected to remain the top countries of origin for Muslim immigrants to the U.S. in 2030.
About the Report
This report makes demographic projections. Projections are not the same as predictions. Rather, they are estimates built on current population data and assumptions about demographic trends; they are what will happen if the current data are accurate and the trends play out as expected. But many things -- immigration laws, economic conditions, natural disasters, armed conflicts, scientific discoveries, social movements and political upheavals, to name just a few -- can shift demographic trends in unforeseen ways, which is why this report adheres to a modest time frame, looking just 20 years down the road. Even so, there is no guarantee that Muslim populations will grow at precisely the rates anticipated in this report and not be affected by unforeseen events, such as political decisions on immigration quotas or national campaigns to encourage larger or smaller families.
The projections presented in this report are the medium figures in a range of three scenarios -- high, medium and low -- generated from models commonly used by demographers around the world to forecast changes in population size and composition. The models follow what is known as the cohort-component method, which starts with a baseline population (in this case, the current number of Muslims in each country) divided into groups, or cohorts, by age and sex. Each cohort is projected into the future by adding likely gains -- new births and immigrants -- and subtracting likely losses - deaths and emigrants. These calculations were made by the Pew Forum's demographers, who collaborated with researchers at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria on the projections for the United States and European countries. (For more details, see Appendix A: Methodology.)
The current population data that underpin this report were culled from the best sources available on Muslims in each of the 232 countries and territories for which the U.N. Population Division provides general population estimates. Many of these baseline statistics were published in the Pew Forum's 2009 report, Mapping the Global Muslim Population, which acquired and analyzed about 1,500 sources of data -- including census reports, large-scale demographic studies and general population surveys -- to estimate the number of Muslims in every country and territory. (For a list of sources, see Appendix B: Data Sources by Country.)
All of those estimates have been updated for 2010, and some have been substantially revised. (To find the current estimate and projections for a particular region or country, see Muslim Population by Country, 1990-2030.) Since many countries are conducting national censuses in 2010-11, more data are likely to emerge over the next few years, but a cut-off must be made at some point; this report is based on information available as of mid-2010. To the extent possible, the report provides data for decennial years -- 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 and 2030. In some cases, however, the time periods vary because data is available only for certain years or in five-year increments (e.g., 2010-15 or 2030-35).
The definition of Muslim in this report is very broad. The goal is to count all groups and individuals who self-identify as Muslims. This includes Muslims who may be secular or nonobservant. No attempt is made in this report to measure how religious Muslims are or to forecast levels of religiosity (or secularism) in the decades ahead.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Christian Militant(GNLA Terrorist) killed in Garo hills,Meghalaya
Shillong, Jan 26 (IANS) Security forces Wednesday busted a training camp of the Garo National Liberation Army (GNLA) in Meghalaya, killing a guerrilla and arresting three others, police said.
A special operation team backed by the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) raided the camp in East Garo Hills district, police said.
"A GNLA cadre was killed in the encounter while three others were arrested," Additional Director General Rajiv Mehta told IANS. Mehta said a number of weapons and explosives were seized from the camp.
The GNLA, which is fighting for a 'sovereign Garoland' in the western area of Meghalaya, is headed by Champion R. Sangma, a policeman-turned-rogue.
The cadres are mostly deserters from the National Democratic Front of Bodoland, Achik National Volunteers Council and Liberation of Achik Elite Force.
A special operation team backed by the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) raided the camp in East Garo Hills district, police said.
"A GNLA cadre was killed in the encounter while three others were arrested," Additional Director General Rajiv Mehta told IANS. Mehta said a number of weapons and explosives were seized from the camp.
The GNLA, which is fighting for a 'sovereign Garoland' in the western area of Meghalaya, is headed by Champion R. Sangma, a policeman-turned-rogue.
The cadres are mostly deserters from the National Democratic Front of Bodoland, Achik National Volunteers Council and Liberation of Achik Elite Force.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Malegaon Additional D.C. burnt alive-Victim Of Revenue-Oil Mafia Unholy Nexus
Eye Opener For Most Corrupt Revenue Department Of State,The Offender's Licence Was Cancelled Five Times Earlier,But Reissued After Meaningful Under-Table Deals Made By Oil Mafias,Now People Are Expecting To See The Divorce Of The Unholy Alliance Of Revenue department And Oil Mafias,In Coming Future,Is It Possible???
In a stunning incident, Assistant District Collector Yashwant Sonavane of Malegaon burnt alive on Tuesday.
According to the sources, assailants burnt ADC when he was conducting raids to curb the black marketing of petrol in Manmad. ADC Sonavane died on the spot. Sonavane’s body still lying at the crime spot, sources said
Sonavane reached at a petrol pump, situated 10 km away from Manmad in Nashik district. He jumped out of his car after noticing something suspicious. As soon as he started surprise raids, six to seven people attacked him and started beating up. Later, assailants poured diesel on his body and set him afire. After committing crime, culprits managed to flee from the scene.
Meanwhile, police has reached the site and launched the massive manhunt. Maharashtra government has been confirming that one arrest is made so far.
Sonavane was acting against the black-marketing and adulteration of petrol and diesel. Sonavane was an honest official and warned the oil mafias several times. Despite of his warning adulteration was continued.
Earlier, an IOC official Manjunath Jha was also killed when he blown whistle against the blackmarketing of petrol in Uttar Pradesh's Lakhimpur Kheri district.
In a stunning incident, Assistant District Collector Yashwant Sonavane of Malegaon burnt alive on Tuesday.
According to the sources, assailants burnt ADC when he was conducting raids to curb the black marketing of petrol in Manmad. ADC Sonavane died on the spot. Sonavane’s body still lying at the crime spot, sources said
Sonavane reached at a petrol pump, situated 10 km away from Manmad in Nashik district. He jumped out of his car after noticing something suspicious. As soon as he started surprise raids, six to seven people attacked him and started beating up. Later, assailants poured diesel on his body and set him afire. After committing crime, culprits managed to flee from the scene.
Meanwhile, police has reached the site and launched the massive manhunt. Maharashtra government has been confirming that one arrest is made so far.
Sonavane was acting against the black-marketing and adulteration of petrol and diesel. Sonavane was an honest official and warned the oil mafias several times. Despite of his warning adulteration was continued.
Earlier, an IOC official Manjunath Jha was also killed when he blown whistle against the blackmarketing of petrol in Uttar Pradesh's Lakhimpur Kheri district.
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Garo-Rabha Peace Council (GRPC) appeals to PM for intervention
GUWAHATI, Jan 23: The Garo-Rabha Peace Council (GRPC), William Nagar, East Garo Hills in Meghalaya, drew the attention of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the uprising in East Garo Hills district of Meghalaya and its bordering Goalpara district in Assam requesting him to do needful to restore normalcy.
In a letter to the Prime Minister, GRPC president Sikram Sangma and general secretary Jitendra Rabha requested him to (i) deploy more security forces to restore normalcy in the area, (ii) to deploy National Investigation Agency (NIA) to investigate the destructive role of nexus of Church, militant outfits, Bangladeshi Muslims, political leaders across the party line and dubious Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) etc, (iii)
to give Rs 1 lakh in cash and 10 bundles of CGI sheets (good quality) to each family whose houses have been burnt, (iv) to pay Rs 10 lakh to the next of kin of each killed in the riot, (v) to provide sufficient food and health care facilities in all the affected areas, (vi) to provide utensils, stationeries and textbooks and exercise books to each school/ college going students from the victim families, (vii) to make permanent security arrangement to restore confidence of the people and to avoid the recurrence of violence, (viii) to identify the culprits and punish them, (ix) to resettle the affected families in their respective villages restoring their land to displaced persons, and (x) to provide clean drinking water in all relief camps and arrange sanitary facility to avoid the spread of epidemic.
According to Sangma and Rabha, the Garos are majority in East Garo Hills district where the Rabhas are minority, while the Rabhas are majority in Goalpara district where the Garos are minority. “Unfortunately, 85 per cent of the Garos have converted to Christianity in Meghalaya and Assam. The A’chik National Volunteers’ Council (ANVC) and the Garo National Liberation Force (GNLF) are two Christian militant outfits active in Garo Hills district of Meghalaya and Goalpara in Assam. Church is allegedly providing surveillance service and material help to these outfits... Again, there are Bangladeshi Muslims in sizeable number, most of whom have married Garo girls mostly from Christian converts. These neo-Muslims with Christian Garo girls as their house-wives have an eye on the fertile plain cultivable land owned by Rabha Hindus. The economic conditions of Rabha are not bad. They have matching economic condition. These Muslims want to oust Rabhas from their villages so that they can occupy displaced Rabhas’ land. These Muslims have formed a United Front comprising Garo Christians, Muslims and disgruntled non-Rabha groups. They are helping Garos in burning Rabha villages,” Sangma and Rabha told the Prime Minister, and added: “The Garos and Rabhas have been living together cordially for centuries. They have matrimonial relations with each other. They share their joys and sorrows on every festive occasions with each other. They participate in the festivals and domestic ceremonies of each other... Resubelpara is originally a Rabha village but after creation of separate Meghalaya State in 1971, Garos achieved more political mileage over Rabhas demographically. Again, ABDK (A’chik Baptist Dalgipa Krima - Garo Baptist Convention) held its next Baptist Church Convention in Darangiri village of Goalpara district in Assam in 2008. This village also has a mixed population of Garos and Rabhas. Here, Hindu Rabhas have little edge over Christian Garos. The people of the area talk of hidden agenda of Church in organizing two consecutive Baptist Church conversions in villages inhabitated mostly by Rabha Hindus. Garo Baptist Church foresees a rich harvest in Rabha Hindu community. Rabha Hindus and Garo Hindus resist this Church onslaught. But Church appears to be heavy over Rabha Hindus due to the hostile and unholy nexus between Church, militant outfits, Bangladeshi Muslims and selfish political leaders across the party line, including Meghalaya Government Machinery masked NGOs and anti-national Human Rights Organizations. Some of the Rabha Christians also are reported to be spying for Garo Churches against Rabha Hindus.”
The two GRPC leaders further told the Prime Minister that “in this area, 75% Rabhas voted in last Assembly election for the AGP, the rest 25% Rabha voters were shared by the NCP, the AIUDF and the Congress that has only one MLA from Rabhas whereas AGP has 3 MLAs, NCP 1, Independent 1 and the AUDF 2. And almost 75% Garos voted for the NCP and the rest 25% Garos votes were shared by the AGP, Congress and the AUDF. In view of approaching Assam Assembly election, the hidden role of some of the party politicians is also not ruled out. The doctrine of first making the voters displaced and destitute through mass killing, arson and loot with the help of antisocial elements and criminals and distribute the relief materials amongst the victims and thereby win them over to vote for them appears to be at work.”
They further said: “The missionary mission of Church is very aggressive and multipronged in this area. Before and after the Christmas, the programs of Church and door-to-door contact by missionaries are aggressive which Rabhas do not like. But they are helpless and they have to bear the brunt in silence due to fear of Christian terrorist outfits. Generally, during peace and normalcy, the conversion to Christianity does not occur in proportion to investments made by the Church in terms of men and money. The social chaos and civil uprising provide the golden opportunity to Church for rich harvest. The hostile role of Church during the Dimasa-Karbi clash in 2005 and Dimasa-Jeme upheaval in 2009 was witnessed. Similarly, the hostile role of Church is also experienced in current clash between the Garos and the Rabhas. This opinion is strengthened by the fact that altogether 10 mandirs of Rabha Hindus have been burnt down in various Rabha villages whereas not even a single Church is harmed. The missionary movement in the garb of rehabilitators are unchecked and unhindered in disturbed areas. Father S Santiago, Director of the Northeast Diocesan Social Forum said that land and border disputes led to clashes. The Catholic Church has constituted a joint peace mission. They have sought permission to setup relief camps for the victims. Garo Baptist Convention and other Church groups are in contact of leaders of both groups. These are nothing but rubbing salt on burn injuries of innocent Rabhas and Garos.”
In a letter to the Prime Minister, GRPC president Sikram Sangma and general secretary Jitendra Rabha requested him to (i) deploy more security forces to restore normalcy in the area, (ii) to deploy National Investigation Agency (NIA) to investigate the destructive role of nexus of Church, militant outfits, Bangladeshi Muslims, political leaders across the party line and dubious Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) etc, (iii)
to give Rs 1 lakh in cash and 10 bundles of CGI sheets (good quality) to each family whose houses have been burnt, (iv) to pay Rs 10 lakh to the next of kin of each killed in the riot, (v) to provide sufficient food and health care facilities in all the affected areas, (vi) to provide utensils, stationeries and textbooks and exercise books to each school/ college going students from the victim families, (vii) to make permanent security arrangement to restore confidence of the people and to avoid the recurrence of violence, (viii) to identify the culprits and punish them, (ix) to resettle the affected families in their respective villages restoring their land to displaced persons, and (x) to provide clean drinking water in all relief camps and arrange sanitary facility to avoid the spread of epidemic.
According to Sangma and Rabha, the Garos are majority in East Garo Hills district where the Rabhas are minority, while the Rabhas are majority in Goalpara district where the Garos are minority. “Unfortunately, 85 per cent of the Garos have converted to Christianity in Meghalaya and Assam. The A’chik National Volunteers’ Council (ANVC) and the Garo National Liberation Force (GNLF) are two Christian militant outfits active in Garo Hills district of Meghalaya and Goalpara in Assam. Church is allegedly providing surveillance service and material help to these outfits... Again, there are Bangladeshi Muslims in sizeable number, most of whom have married Garo girls mostly from Christian converts. These neo-Muslims with Christian Garo girls as their house-wives have an eye on the fertile plain cultivable land owned by Rabha Hindus. The economic conditions of Rabha are not bad. They have matching economic condition. These Muslims want to oust Rabhas from their villages so that they can occupy displaced Rabhas’ land. These Muslims have formed a United Front comprising Garo Christians, Muslims and disgruntled non-Rabha groups. They are helping Garos in burning Rabha villages,” Sangma and Rabha told the Prime Minister, and added: “The Garos and Rabhas have been living together cordially for centuries. They have matrimonial relations with each other. They share their joys and sorrows on every festive occasions with each other. They participate in the festivals and domestic ceremonies of each other... Resubelpara is originally a Rabha village but after creation of separate Meghalaya State in 1971, Garos achieved more political mileage over Rabhas demographically. Again, ABDK (A’chik Baptist Dalgipa Krima - Garo Baptist Convention) held its next Baptist Church Convention in Darangiri village of Goalpara district in Assam in 2008. This village also has a mixed population of Garos and Rabhas. Here, Hindu Rabhas have little edge over Christian Garos. The people of the area talk of hidden agenda of Church in organizing two consecutive Baptist Church conversions in villages inhabitated mostly by Rabha Hindus. Garo Baptist Church foresees a rich harvest in Rabha Hindu community. Rabha Hindus and Garo Hindus resist this Church onslaught. But Church appears to be heavy over Rabha Hindus due to the hostile and unholy nexus between Church, militant outfits, Bangladeshi Muslims and selfish political leaders across the party line, including Meghalaya Government Machinery masked NGOs and anti-national Human Rights Organizations. Some of the Rabha Christians also are reported to be spying for Garo Churches against Rabha Hindus.”
The two GRPC leaders further told the Prime Minister that “in this area, 75% Rabhas voted in last Assembly election for the AGP, the rest 25% Rabha voters were shared by the NCP, the AIUDF and the Congress that has only one MLA from Rabhas whereas AGP has 3 MLAs, NCP 1, Independent 1 and the AUDF 2. And almost 75% Garos voted for the NCP and the rest 25% Garos votes were shared by the AGP, Congress and the AUDF. In view of approaching Assam Assembly election, the hidden role of some of the party politicians is also not ruled out. The doctrine of first making the voters displaced and destitute through mass killing, arson and loot with the help of antisocial elements and criminals and distribute the relief materials amongst the victims and thereby win them over to vote for them appears to be at work.”
They further said: “The missionary mission of Church is very aggressive and multipronged in this area. Before and after the Christmas, the programs of Church and door-to-door contact by missionaries are aggressive which Rabhas do not like. But they are helpless and they have to bear the brunt in silence due to fear of Christian terrorist outfits. Generally, during peace and normalcy, the conversion to Christianity does not occur in proportion to investments made by the Church in terms of men and money. The social chaos and civil uprising provide the golden opportunity to Church for rich harvest. The hostile role of Church during the Dimasa-Karbi clash in 2005 and Dimasa-Jeme upheaval in 2009 was witnessed. Similarly, the hostile role of Church is also experienced in current clash between the Garos and the Rabhas. This opinion is strengthened by the fact that altogether 10 mandirs of Rabha Hindus have been burnt down in various Rabha villages whereas not even a single Church is harmed. The missionary movement in the garb of rehabilitators are unchecked and unhindered in disturbed areas. Father S Santiago, Director of the Northeast Diocesan Social Forum said that land and border disputes led to clashes. The Catholic Church has constituted a joint peace mission. They have sought permission to setup relief camps for the victims. Garo Baptist Convention and other Church groups are in contact of leaders of both groups. These are nothing but rubbing salt on burn injuries of innocent Rabhas and Garos.”
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Christians & Meghalaya government blamed for Garo–Rabha conflict
23 January 2011
Dimapur, January 22 (MExN): A surprising memorandum addressed to the Prime Minister of India seeking his intervention today blamed Christians and the Meghalaya government ‘in nexus with “Christian terrorist outfits”’ for the ongoing ethnic clashes between the Garo and Rabha communities in the Assam-Meghalaya borders. The memorandum appended by leaders of “Garo-Rabha Peace Council” said the Christian churches are “very aggressive” and there is a “hidden agenda” of the church. The memorandum even went so far as to claim the area’s people are hapless and “they have to bear the brunt in silence due to fear of Christian terrorist outfits.”
The church “spying” on the communities and is providing “surveillance service and material help” to the “Christian terrorist outfits,” the statement claimed. The memorandum even called ‘unfortunate’ that majority of the Garo people are Christians. The memorandum was appended by Sikram Sangma, president and Jitendra Rabha, general secretary.
“Unfortunately, 85% Garos have been converted to Christianity in Meghalaya and Assam – both the states. A’chik National Volunteer’s Council (ANVC) and Garo National Liberation Force (GNLF) are two Christian militant outfits active in Garo Hills district of Meghalaya and Goalpara. Church is allegedly providing surveillance service and material help to these outfits.”
The memorandum further said of the Bangladeshi Muslims most of whom have married Garo girls “mostly from Christian converts” and that they have an eye on the fertile cultivable lands “owned by Rabha Hindus.” According to the “Garo-Rabha Peace Council” the Garo and Rabha have been living together cordially. But “the people of the area talk of hidden agenda of church in organizing two consecutive Baptist church conversions in villages inhabitated mostly by Rabha Hindus. Garo Baptist church foresees a rich harvest in Rabha Hindu community. Rabha Hindus and Garo Hindus resist this church onslaught. But Church appears to be heavy over Rabha Hindus due to the hostile and unholy nexus between Church, militant outfits, Bangladeshi Muslims and selfish political leaders across the party line including Meghalaya government…’
The “Garo-Rabha Peace Council” said the missionary mission of the church is “very aggressive and multipronged in this area.” Before and after the Christmas, the programs of the church and door-to-door contact by missionaries were aggressive “which Rabhas do not like” but “they are helpless and they have to bear the brunt in silence due to fear of Christian terrorist outfits.”
The social chaos and civil uprising is a “golden opportunity to Church for rich harvest” the memorandum said. The memorandum claimed that the church has a role in the Dimasa-Karbi clash in 2005 and Dimasa–Jeme upheaval in 2009.
“Similarly, the hostile role of church is also experienced in current clash between Garos and Rabhas. This opinion is strengthened by the fact that altogether 10 mandirs of Rabha Hindus have been burnt down in various Rabha villages whereas not even a single church is harmed,” the memorandum asserted.
“In present clash between Rabhas and Garos, Christianity plays a major role. On 30th October 2010, a temple of Rabha Hindus in William Nagar was attacked by Garo Christians while protesting against civic polls in Garo Hills. In this context, the Rabhas fear the dubious role of Garo Baptist Convention and Father S. Santiago, Director of the North-East Diocesan Social Forum.”
The memorandum also cited the turn of events and an incident which the “Garo-Rabha Peace council” claimed led to the razing of some 40 houses “belonging to Rabha Hindus” by rioters who were “all” Garo Christians.
“By 5/1/2011, more than 2000 Rabha families (nearly 12,000 people) were displaced after 200 Rabha houses were torched by Garo miscreants. Within 10 days of violence up to 10/1/2011, reportedly, 27 people mostly Rabha Hindus have been killed, 1550 houses have been burnt and 50,000 people from 32 villages have been displaced living in 25 Rabha camps in Assam and 6 Garo camps and 2 Rabha camps in East Garo Hills (Meghalaya). Reportedly, 300 miscreants were arrested but their identities were not disclosed purposely.”
The Prime Minister is asked to deploy more security forces to restore normalcy in the area; deploy the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to “investigate the destructive role of nexus of church, militant outfits, Bangladeshi Muslims, political leaders across the party line and dubious Non-Governmental Organisations”
Rupees 1 Lakh in cash and 10 bundles of CGI sheets, “good quality”, should be given to each family whose houses have been burnt, while Rupees 10 Lakh should be given to family members of each killed persons, the memorandum demanded.
Other demands included sufficient food supply and healthcare facilities, utensils, stationeries and text books, exercise books, security arrangements; identification of the culprits and awarding punishment to them; resettlement of the displaced people and restoring their land to them; clean drinking water in all relief camps and sanitary facility to avoid the spread of diseases.
Dimapur, January 22 (MExN): A surprising memorandum addressed to the Prime Minister of India seeking his intervention today blamed Christians and the Meghalaya government ‘in nexus with “Christian terrorist outfits”’ for the ongoing ethnic clashes between the Garo and Rabha communities in the Assam-Meghalaya borders. The memorandum appended by leaders of “Garo-Rabha Peace Council” said the Christian churches are “very aggressive” and there is a “hidden agenda” of the church. The memorandum even went so far as to claim the area’s people are hapless and “they have to bear the brunt in silence due to fear of Christian terrorist outfits.”
The church “spying” on the communities and is providing “surveillance service and material help” to the “Christian terrorist outfits,” the statement claimed. The memorandum even called ‘unfortunate’ that majority of the Garo people are Christians. The memorandum was appended by Sikram Sangma, president and Jitendra Rabha, general secretary.
“Unfortunately, 85% Garos have been converted to Christianity in Meghalaya and Assam – both the states. A’chik National Volunteer’s Council (ANVC) and Garo National Liberation Force (GNLF) are two Christian militant outfits active in Garo Hills district of Meghalaya and Goalpara. Church is allegedly providing surveillance service and material help to these outfits.”
The memorandum further said of the Bangladeshi Muslims most of whom have married Garo girls “mostly from Christian converts” and that they have an eye on the fertile cultivable lands “owned by Rabha Hindus.” According to the “Garo-Rabha Peace Council” the Garo and Rabha have been living together cordially. But “the people of the area talk of hidden agenda of church in organizing two consecutive Baptist church conversions in villages inhabitated mostly by Rabha Hindus. Garo Baptist church foresees a rich harvest in Rabha Hindu community. Rabha Hindus and Garo Hindus resist this church onslaught. But Church appears to be heavy over Rabha Hindus due to the hostile and unholy nexus between Church, militant outfits, Bangladeshi Muslims and selfish political leaders across the party line including Meghalaya government…’
The “Garo-Rabha Peace Council” said the missionary mission of the church is “very aggressive and multipronged in this area.” Before and after the Christmas, the programs of the church and door-to-door contact by missionaries were aggressive “which Rabhas do not like” but “they are helpless and they have to bear the brunt in silence due to fear of Christian terrorist outfits.”
The social chaos and civil uprising is a “golden opportunity to Church for rich harvest” the memorandum said. The memorandum claimed that the church has a role in the Dimasa-Karbi clash in 2005 and Dimasa–Jeme upheaval in 2009.
“Similarly, the hostile role of church is also experienced in current clash between Garos and Rabhas. This opinion is strengthened by the fact that altogether 10 mandirs of Rabha Hindus have been burnt down in various Rabha villages whereas not even a single church is harmed,” the memorandum asserted.
“In present clash between Rabhas and Garos, Christianity plays a major role. On 30th October 2010, a temple of Rabha Hindus in William Nagar was attacked by Garo Christians while protesting against civic polls in Garo Hills. In this context, the Rabhas fear the dubious role of Garo Baptist Convention and Father S. Santiago, Director of the North-East Diocesan Social Forum.”
The memorandum also cited the turn of events and an incident which the “Garo-Rabha Peace council” claimed led to the razing of some 40 houses “belonging to Rabha Hindus” by rioters who were “all” Garo Christians.
“By 5/1/2011, more than 2000 Rabha families (nearly 12,000 people) were displaced after 200 Rabha houses were torched by Garo miscreants. Within 10 days of violence up to 10/1/2011, reportedly, 27 people mostly Rabha Hindus have been killed, 1550 houses have been burnt and 50,000 people from 32 villages have been displaced living in 25 Rabha camps in Assam and 6 Garo camps and 2 Rabha camps in East Garo Hills (Meghalaya). Reportedly, 300 miscreants were arrested but their identities were not disclosed purposely.”
The Prime Minister is asked to deploy more security forces to restore normalcy in the area; deploy the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to “investigate the destructive role of nexus of church, militant outfits, Bangladeshi Muslims, political leaders across the party line and dubious Non-Governmental Organisations”
Rupees 1 Lakh in cash and 10 bundles of CGI sheets, “good quality”, should be given to each family whose houses have been burnt, while Rupees 10 Lakh should be given to family members of each killed persons, the memorandum demanded.
Other demands included sufficient food supply and healthcare facilities, utensils, stationeries and text books, exercise books, security arrangements; identification of the culprits and awarding punishment to them; resettlement of the displaced people and restoring their land to them; clean drinking water in all relief camps and sanitary facility to avoid the spread of diseases.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Supreme Court of India Warns Christians for Forcefull Conversions in Darasing Judgement.
Murdikar News Network:
New Delhi: While delivering judgement on Christian Missionary Graham Stains murder case,India's Supreme Court today came down heavily on Christian missionaries for indulging in forceful conversions.The bench of justices P Sathasivam and BS Chauhan observed that there cannot be any justification for interference in someone's belief while decrying forceful conversions.While delivering the verdict in the murder case on Friday the court observed that investigations reveal that Staines was involved in conversions and there are materials to suggest that the missionaries were indulging in forceful conversion in the area.
Dara Singh's lawyer SS Mishra said that the missionaries were indulging in forceful conversions and his client just wanted to threaten them and not kill Staines. "There are materials which suggest that forceful conversion was there. However, so far as the material for conviction is concerned Supreme Court maintained the judgement of the High Court. There is no direct evidence, no one had seen crime done by accused. It appears that they had gone to threaten and teach them a lesson and not kill Staines," said Mishra.Staines and his two sons, Philip (10) and Timothy (6) were burnt to death while they were sleeping inside a van outside a church at Manoharpur village in Koenjhar district of Orissa on January 22, 1999 by Dara Singh and Mahendra Hembram.Both Singh and Hembram have been sentenced to life in the case.
It is well known fact that Graham Stains was making forceful conversions of Hindu tribals in the area and there were social unrest in the area due to forcefull conversions.Supreme Court only justified the stand of Hindu Organizations that Christians are doing forcefull and deceitfull conversions in India.
New Delhi: While delivering judgement on Christian Missionary Graham Stains murder case,India's Supreme Court today came down heavily on Christian missionaries for indulging in forceful conversions.The bench of justices P Sathasivam and BS Chauhan observed that there cannot be any justification for interference in someone's belief while decrying forceful conversions.While delivering the verdict in the murder case on Friday the court observed that investigations reveal that Staines was involved in conversions and there are materials to suggest that the missionaries were indulging in forceful conversion in the area.
Dara Singh's lawyer SS Mishra said that the missionaries were indulging in forceful conversions and his client just wanted to threaten them and not kill Staines. "There are materials which suggest that forceful conversion was there. However, so far as the material for conviction is concerned Supreme Court maintained the judgement of the High Court. There is no direct evidence, no one had seen crime done by accused. It appears that they had gone to threaten and teach them a lesson and not kill Staines," said Mishra.Staines and his two sons, Philip (10) and Timothy (6) were burnt to death while they were sleeping inside a van outside a church at Manoharpur village in Koenjhar district of Orissa on January 22, 1999 by Dara Singh and Mahendra Hembram.Both Singh and Hembram have been sentenced to life in the case.
It is well known fact that Graham Stains was making forceful conversions of Hindu tribals in the area and there were social unrest in the area due to forcefull conversions.Supreme Court only justified the stand of Hindu Organizations that Christians are doing forcefull and deceitfull conversions in India.
India Supreme Court scolds Teesta for Involving UN Panel in Gujarat Riots
Murdikar News Network| New Delhi
Jan 20, 2011
The Supreme Court today came down heavily on so called social activist Teesta Setalvad for raising the issue of post-Godhra riots of Gujarat with foreign organisations, saying that it can take care of the cases and no interference is required from overseas human rights groups.
"We don't appreciate that other organisations interfere in our functioning. We can take care of (them) ourselves and cannot get guided by others. It's a direct interference in our functioning. We don't appreciate it," a special bench headed by Justice D K Jain said.
The court was anguished that the NGO, Centre for Justice and Peace (CJP), headed by Setalvad approached the United Nation's Geneva-based Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights raising the issue of protection of witnesses in riots cases.
"You seem to have more faith in foreign organisations than this court. It seems that witnesses would be protected by these organisations," the bench remarked adding that if such letters are written then the court would pass the order without hearing the contentions of the CJP.
"If you send such letters then we would hear the amicus curie and pass the order (without hearing you)," the court said adding, "All the cases are being monitored by us, we don't like any correspondence of her with foreign agencies."
The issue was brought before the Bench by senior advocate Harish Salve who is assisting the court as an amicus curiae in the Gujarat riot cases of 2002.
The NGO's counsel Kamini Jaiswal pleaded that no such letters would be sent to other organisations in future.
She had earlier said that the NGO had forwarded a copy of the October 7, 2010, letter addressed to Special Investigation Team chairman R K Raghavan to the international body with which the NHRC is also associated.
Jan 20, 2011
The Supreme Court today came down heavily on so called social activist Teesta Setalvad for raising the issue of post-Godhra riots of Gujarat with foreign organisations, saying that it can take care of the cases and no interference is required from overseas human rights groups.
"We don't appreciate that other organisations interfere in our functioning. We can take care of (them) ourselves and cannot get guided by others. It's a direct interference in our functioning. We don't appreciate it," a special bench headed by Justice D K Jain said.
The court was anguished that the NGO, Centre for Justice and Peace (CJP), headed by Setalvad approached the United Nation's Geneva-based Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights raising the issue of protection of witnesses in riots cases.
"You seem to have more faith in foreign organisations than this court. It seems that witnesses would be protected by these organisations," the bench remarked adding that if such letters are written then the court would pass the order without hearing the contentions of the CJP.
"If you send such letters then we would hear the amicus curie and pass the order (without hearing you)," the court said adding, "All the cases are being monitored by us, we don't like any correspondence of her with foreign agencies."
The issue was brought before the Bench by senior advocate Harish Salve who is assisting the court as an amicus curiae in the Gujarat riot cases of 2002.
The NGO's counsel Kamini Jaiswal pleaded that no such letters would be sent to other organisations in future.
She had earlier said that the NGO had forwarded a copy of the October 7, 2010, letter addressed to Special Investigation Team chairman R K Raghavan to the international body with which the NHRC is also associated.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
4 Manipuri Muslim Jihadi Terrorist arrested from Goa
Four Islamic Jihadists from Manpur has been arrested from Kasavali-Goa in a meticulously planned and jointly executed operation by Manipur Special Forces,Indian Military Intelligence and Goa Police.Manipuri Special Forces was hunting for them since last few months for this group of Jihadists from Manipur,for their involvement in various deadly terror acts in Manipur.The arrested Jihadists are Sameer Khan(19 yrs),Ayyapam(30 yrs),Shamashad alias Souda Khan(35 yrs)and Nusa Shafeer(32 yrs).Out of these four Jihadists Shamashaad is female one,who is supposed to be wife of the founder of Islamic terror outfit Peoples United Legislative Front(PULF) of Assam.THis outfit is working in tandem with Aadam Lashkar Khan Terror Group.
Manipu stte of North-East India is fastly emerging as hotbed for Islamic Jihadi Outfits making serious poblems for the security of the state.This operation might prove helpful in containing their activities.
Manipu stte of North-East India is fastly emerging as hotbed for Islamic Jihadi Outfits making serious poblems for the security of the state.This operation might prove helpful in containing their activities.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Religion played vital role in Rabha-Garo clashes in Meghalaya
Army stages flag march in Meghalaya

Religious conflicts erupted between the Rabhas and Garos Christians along the Assam-Meghalaya border. On 5th January, trouble started with four people dead and thousands are displaced. On 30th October, a temple in Williamnagar was allegedly attacked by Garos while protesting against civic polls in the Garo Hills. Prior to this, the Garos complained that Rabhas blockades restricted their movement on NH-37, the only link that connects NH-40 leading to Shillong. Rabhas were blocking National Highway 37 in Assam to press their demand for autonomy under the Sixth Schedule. This is also said to have prevented many Garo students in Shillong from reaching home in time for Christmas. On 22 December, a Garo pastor and his family was attacked while they were travelling on NH-37 during a bandh and it was alleged to be an act of Rabha youth. The Army is reported to have moved into the affected areas.
Over 34,000 people, both Garo and Rabha tribals, have left their homes and taken shelter in relief camps. A number of these people have no houses to go back to, while those who do have homes have fled for fear of being attacked. More than 7 people are killed in the clashes. At least 103 people have been arrested and 25 cases of attempted arson and rioting have been registered in the ethnic-violence-hit areas in Meghalaya
Since the time Nagaland, Meghalaya and Mizoram were carved out of Assam, the inter-state border issues combined with various social factors including active proselytization of Christian missionaries are creating simmering tensions in the region and sometimes lead to death and destruction.
Religious conflicts erupted between the Rabhas and Garos Christians along the Assam-Meghalaya border. On 5th January, trouble started with four people dead and thousands are displaced. On 30th October, a temple in Williamnagar was allegedly attacked by Garos while protesting against civic polls in the Garo Hills. Prior to this, the Garos complained that Rabhas blockades restricted their movement on NH-37, the only link that connects NH-40 leading to Shillong. Rabhas were blocking National Highway 37 in Assam to press their demand for autonomy under the Sixth Schedule. This is also said to have prevented many Garo students in Shillong from reaching home in time for Christmas. On 22 December, a Garo pastor and his family was attacked while they were travelling on NH-37 during a bandh and it was alleged to be an act of Rabha youth. The Army is reported to have moved into the affected areas.
Over 34,000 people, both Garo and Rabha tribals, have left their homes and taken shelter in relief camps. A number of these people have no houses to go back to, while those who do have homes have fled for fear of being attacked. More than 7 people are killed in the clashes. At least 103 people have been arrested and 25 cases of attempted arson and rioting have been registered in the ethnic-violence-hit areas in Meghalaya
Since the time Nagaland, Meghalaya and Mizoram were carved out of Assam, the inter-state border issues combined with various social factors including active proselytization of Christian missionaries are creating simmering tensions in the region and sometimes lead to death and destruction.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
New Twist in Nityanand Sex Scandal-Christian Missionaries played fowl play,alleges Actress
Ranjitha said on Swami Nityananda Tape, Missionaries are doing it.
Bangalore, Jan 1 (PTI) South Indian actress Ranjita today claimed she was not the woman in the sleazy video involving the controversial self-styled godman Nityananda Swami and alleged that this footage aired by a TV channel was ''fabricated.''
Breaking her silence in her first public appearance after the alleged sex scandal broke out in March this year, Ranjitha told a press conference that she was ready to reveal the names of those behind the video if she was given security cover.
Ranjitha said she was threatened and harassed by "some powerful persons and missionaries" not to say anything to police.
"I was very scared for my life and that of my family. However, if I and my family are assured of 100 per cent security by the concerned Chief Minister of that state (Tamil Nadu), I am ready to name the persons behind it", she said.
She had filed a criminal complaint at the Ramanagara police station yesterday against Lenin Kuruppan, former driver of Nityananda, who had exposed the alleged sex scandal by releasing a secretly recorded video.
Commenting on the video clip which purportedly showed her in a compromising position with Nityananda at his ashram in Bidadi in the outskirts of the city, she said "it is fabricated. I am not the person in it. In fact at that time I was in a room that I was sharing with another female devotee in the Dhyanapeetham ashram."
Referring to Karnataka CID police, quoting Forensic Science Lab (FSL) reports (about the footage) as "genuine", she said "the FSL report may say whatever. Only I can tell the truth whether I was there or not".
The actress, who has acted in more than 100 South Indian language films, also denied that she went into hiding after the video footage was telecast and added she was out of the country between March 3 and June 14 to attend a family wedding and also fearing for her safety.
She charged that the TV channel aired the video footage without even bothering to verify the facts with her.
Calling herself a "devotee" of Nityananda, she said "I am still a devotee.I do not know if I am putting things in the right perspective. He is an enlightened master who does not need somebody to make him happy".
Nityananda landed in a controversy in March after a television channel aired a purported video footage showing him in a compromising position with a Tamil Actress. He was later arrested from Solan district in Himachal Pradesh on April 21 and granted conditional bail on June 11 after spending 53 days in judicial custody. He is facing charges of rape and criminal intimidation.
Asked about her long silence over the scandal, Ranjita said, "when I am threatened and harassed and there are bigger powerful poeople, powerful political group, missionaries who are doing it, I cannot play a Galileo. Besides, I also needed time to get over the shock." PTI BH MSR BN GSN
Bangalore, Jan 1 (PTI) South Indian actress Ranjita today claimed she was not the woman in the sleazy video involving the controversial self-styled godman Nityananda Swami and alleged that this footage aired by a TV channel was ''fabricated.''
Breaking her silence in her first public appearance after the alleged sex scandal broke out in March this year, Ranjitha told a press conference that she was ready to reveal the names of those behind the video if she was given security cover.
Ranjitha said she was threatened and harassed by "some powerful persons and missionaries" not to say anything to police.
"I was very scared for my life and that of my family. However, if I and my family are assured of 100 per cent security by the concerned Chief Minister of that state (Tamil Nadu), I am ready to name the persons behind it", she said.
She had filed a criminal complaint at the Ramanagara police station yesterday against Lenin Kuruppan, former driver of Nityananda, who had exposed the alleged sex scandal by releasing a secretly recorded video.
Commenting on the video clip which purportedly showed her in a compromising position with Nityananda at his ashram in Bidadi in the outskirts of the city, she said "it is fabricated. I am not the person in it. In fact at that time I was in a room that I was sharing with another female devotee in the Dhyanapeetham ashram."
Referring to Karnataka CID police, quoting Forensic Science Lab (FSL) reports (about the footage) as "genuine", she said "the FSL report may say whatever. Only I can tell the truth whether I was there or not".
The actress, who has acted in more than 100 South Indian language films, also denied that she went into hiding after the video footage was telecast and added she was out of the country between March 3 and June 14 to attend a family wedding and also fearing for her safety.
She charged that the TV channel aired the video footage without even bothering to verify the facts with her.
Calling herself a "devotee" of Nityananda, she said "I am still a devotee.I do not know if I am putting things in the right perspective. He is an enlightened master who does not need somebody to make him happy".
Nityananda landed in a controversy in March after a television channel aired a purported video footage showing him in a compromising position with a Tamil Actress. He was later arrested from Solan district in Himachal Pradesh on April 21 and granted conditional bail on June 11 after spending 53 days in judicial custody. He is facing charges of rape and criminal intimidation.
Asked about her long silence over the scandal, Ranjita said, "when I am threatened and harassed and there are bigger powerful poeople, powerful political group, missionaries who are doing it, I cannot play a Galileo. Besides, I also needed time to get over the shock." PTI BH MSR BN GSN
Friday, January 7, 2011
Hindu Persecution-State Sponsored Atrocities On Hindus of Meghalaya(North-East India)
State Sponsored Atrocities On Hindus of Meghalaya(North-East India)
At least 4 Hindus were killed by Christian Garos in East Garo Hills district of Meghalaya.Meghalaya Police actively took part in arson,looting and rioting with Christian Garo youth.More than 25 thousand Hindu(belonging to Rabha tribe) has been forced to leave their villages and took shelter in Assam where Sewa Bharati Purbanchal,a non-governmental group is running relief operation alongwith Assam government.This is the HIndu Persecution agenda by Christian radicals,which needs to be dealt firmly.
At first we need to donate something;either time or money to send immediate help for Hindu refugees now leaving in refugee camps in Assam,and then to intensify social and legal efforts to reinstate displaced Hindus to their respective villages by exploiting all possible ways.
Donate Sewa Bharati Purbachal for Hindu refugees of Garo hills-Meghalaya.
Organising Secy,
Sewa Bharati-Purbanchal
At least 4 Hindus were killed by Christian Garos in East Garo Hills district of Meghalaya.Meghalaya Police actively took part in arson,looting and rioting with Christian Garo youth.More than 25 thousand Hindu(belonging to Rabha tribe) has been forced to leave their villages and took shelter in Assam where Sewa Bharati Purbanchal,a non-governmental group is running relief operation alongwith Assam government.This is the HIndu Persecution agenda by Christian radicals,which needs to be dealt firmly.
At first we need to donate something;either time or money to send immediate help for Hindu refugees now leaving in refugee camps in Assam,and then to intensify social and legal efforts to reinstate displaced Hindus to their respective villages by exploiting all possible ways.
Donate Sewa Bharati Purbachal for Hindu refugees of Garo hills-Meghalaya.
Organising Secy,
Sewa Bharati-Purbanchal
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
न्यू मीडिया के बारे मे बहुत कुछ।

मुर्डीकर समाचार|
5 Jan 2011
“ वर्तमान सन्दर्भ में न्यू मीडिया ” विषय पर ‘भारत नीति प्रतिष्ठान‘ के द्वारा आयोजित विमर्श में विशिष्ट अतिथि श्री राम बहादुर राय (वरिष्ठ पत्रकार और चिन्तक ), प्रो. राकेश सिन्हा(निदेशक, आई पी एफ ) ,श्री उदय सिन्हा( वरिष्ठ पत्रकार ) , श्री आशुतोष(स्वतंत्र पत्रकार ) , श्री ज्ञानेंद्र पाण्डेय(पत्रकार ) , श्री ओम्कारेश्वर पाण्डेय(पत्रकार,सन्डे इन्डियन ) , श्री मिलिंद ओंक(न्यू मीडिया के जानकार ) , श्री उमेश चतुर्वेदी(स्तंभकार ) ,श्री हितेंद्र गुप्ता (मैथिलि ब्लोगर ), श्री डी एन श्रीवास्तव(प्रसिद्द आर टी आई एक्टिविस्ट ) , श्री संजय तिवारी (संपादक,विस्फोट.कॉम ),श्री नीरज भूषण(भारत बोलेगा.कॉम ) , श्री भावेश नंदन झा(फ़िल्मकार ) ,श्री अमिताभ भूषण(पत्रकार,दिव्यउर्जा .कॉम) ,श्री दीनबंधु सिंह(पत्रकार ) , श्री जयराम विप्लव (संपादक,जनोक्ति.कॉम ), श्री कनिष्क कश्यप(संपादक विचार्मिमंसा.कॉम और ब्लोगप्रहरी ) , श्री विशाल तिवारी(पत्रकार ,जनोक्ति.कॉम ) , श्री अवनीश सिंह(पत्रकार ),श्री विनय झा(पत्रकार ) , श्री सुन्दरम आनंद (लेखक ,जनोक्ति.कॉम ), श्री आशीष मिश्रा(ब्लोगर और लेखक ,जनोक्ति.कॉम ) , कनुप्रिया(स्त्री विमर्श .कॉम ) और दीपाली पाण्डेय( उप संपादक ,जनोक्ति.कॉम ) समेत कई एक “न्यू मीडिया ” से जुडे और इसमें रूचि रखने वाले पत्रकार शामिल हुए |
कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत करते हुए प्रो.राकेश सिन्हा ने उपस्थित पत्रकारों को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि ‘न्यू मीडिया ‘ तेजी से अपनी जगह बना रहा है | हमें न्यू मीडिया की चुनौतियों को ध्यान में रखते हुए इसको आगे बढाने की दिशा में काम करना है | विमर्श का संचालन करते हुए मिलिंद ओंक ने न्यू मीडिया के बारे में संछिप्त जानकारी देते हुए राय साहब को विमर्श को आगे बढाने के लिए कहा |
राय साहब ने अपने संबोधन में विमर्श की भूमिका रखते हुए अनेक महत्वापूर्ण सवाल हमारे सामने रखे |”न्यू मीडिया” के बारे में बोलते हुए राय साहब कहा कि ‘न्यू मीडिया’ एक नया उपभोक्ता वर्ग ‘मिडिल क्लास’ खड़ा कर रहा है | न्यू मीडिया की ताकत ये है कि आज कुछ भी छुपा हुआ नहीं है | न्यू मीडिया को बधाई हो , उसने परंपरा से हटकर सबको संपादक बना दिया | इन्टरनेट पर लेखक से लेकर पाठक तक सभी संपादक हैं | लेकिन न्यू मीडिया के सामने चुनौतियाँ भी काफी बड़ी हैं संस्थागत मीडिया यहाँ भी पैसों के बल पर अपनी पैठ बनाने की कोशिश में है | सन टीवी ग्रुप इंटरनेट पर 2100 करोड़ रुपया निवेश कर रहा है | न्यू मीडिया की अर्थनीति में भी ये बड़े संस्थान हावी हैं | कुल 2500 करोड़ के विज्ञापन में मात्र 600 करोड़ इंटरनेट के हिस्से में आता है और उसमें भी सारा पैसा इण्डिया टाइम्स , सीएनएन जैसे बड़े घरानों के पास ही जा रहा है |
मुख्यधारा की मीडिया की चर्चा में उन्होंने कहा कि यहाँ संस्थागत पहचान बन गयी है | बड़े घरानों में ऐसे -ऐसे लोग बैठे हैं जिनका पत्रकारीय कर्म से कोई खास वास्ता भले ना हो लेकिन मीडिया जगत , मीडिया से जुड़ी राजनीति और कॉर्पोरेट जगत में बोल-बाला है | लेकिन न्यू मीडिया ने उनमें भी एक दहशत पैदा की है , इन्डियन एक्सप्रेस के शेखर गुप्त एक बार मुझसे कहा -’ पहले हम गलतियाँ कर बच जाते थे | अब बचना मुश्किल है और हजारों बार शर्मिंदा होना पड़ेगा | ‘ पत्रकारों की घटती लोकप्रियता को लेकर चिंता जताते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि एक सर्वे के मुताबिक जहाँ पहले 10 में से 7लोग पत्रकारों को पसंद करते थे वहीँ अब ये संख्या उलटी हो गयी है | ‘न्यू मीडिया’ को दिशा बताते हुए राय साहब ने कहा कि सच कहो , सीधे कहो और सही वातावरण में कहो | हालाँकि, न्यू मीडिया बोल बहुत रहा है ,कह कुछ नहीं रहा है |
विमर्श को आगे बढाते हुए ज्ञानेंद्र पाण्डेय ने राय साहब से सहमती जताई |
जनोक्ति.कॉम के संपादक जयराम विप्लव ने ‘न्यू मीडिया ‘ के सन्दर्भ में बोलते हुए कहा कि राडिया चक्रवात ने भारतीय मीडिया के बड़े-बड़े तथाकथित प्रकाशपुन्जों को बुझा दिया | सत्ता के वाच डॉग कहे जाने वाले बस डॉग बन कर रह गये हैं ! अचानक फैले इस अन्धकार में , सूरज उगा है , और सबसे बड़ा आश्चर्य कि वो सूरज इस बार पूरब में नहीं पश्चिम में उगा है |
विकिलीक्स …………….. नाम ही काफी है कुछ कने की जरुरत नहीं ………………… फ़िर भी मेरी नज़र में ये एक ज़ज्बा है …………………
” न्यू मीडिया ” जिसे ब्लोगिंग और फेसबुक के तौर पर हम जानते हैं उसका प्रभाव आप सभी को मालूम है | कई एक मुद्दों पर हमारा जोर चला है | सत्ता और मुख्यधारा की मीडिया भी हमारे पीछे आयेगी |ऐसा मुझे लगता है …लेकिन इसकी राह बड़ी कठिन है और चुनौतियाँ बड़ी ………….. न्यू मीडिया जिसे व्यक्तिगत सूचना जानकारी के लिए हमने इस्तेमाल करना शुरू किया था | आज वो माध्यम ओबामा को हिलाए हुए है , लेकिन भारत में न्यू मीडिया की स्थिति कुछ अच्छी नहीं लगती है | सत्ताधीशों और अर्थशक्तियों ने जिस संवेदनहीनता को पैदा करने के लिए वाच डॉग को बस डॉग बना कर छोड़ दिया है ……. उसी के जाल में हम भी फंसे हैं ….या फंसने वाले हैं |एक ब्लोगर सम्मलेन में गया तो वहां आये हुए अधिकांश लोग मुझे थके-थके से लगे जो मुख्यधारा के सताए हुए बस अपनी छपास को पूरा करना कहते थे …………. उनमे से एक ने कहा भी वो इसीलिए लिखते हैंकि ….. ऑफिस में बॉस की गाली खाकर दिमाग ख़राब हो जाता है और एकाध पोस्ट ठेल देने से उनको सुकून मिलता है ……………….. ये जो सुकून लूटने की आदत फ़ैल रही है यही हमारी सबसे बड़ी चुनौती है !
बावजूद इसके हम कुंठाग्रस्त नहीं है बल्कि हम आत्मविश्वास से लबरेज हैं …………………………. न्यू मीडिया में जिस फ्री स्पेस की बात हम करते हैं उसमें कुछ करने का अवसर हमने हासिल किया है ……………….. तो क्यों नहीं कुछ किया जाए ……… करेंगे ..
ओम्कारेश्वर पाण्डेय ने अपनी बात रखते हुए कहा कि राय साहब ने इतना कुछ कह दिया है कि मेरे पास कहने के लिए कुछ नहीं है | फ़िर भी इतना कहूँगा कि ‘न्यू मीडिया ‘ को आत्म संयम के साथ आगे बढ़ते रहना चाहिए | राष्ट्रीय दृष्टि से विषय आधारित लेखन हो | राय साहब ने बिलकुल सही कहा न्यू मीडिया बोल बहुत रहा है कह कुछ नहीं रहा | दरअसल इतना ज्यादा बोल रहा है कि उससे भी दिक्कत है | कई ऐसी साइट्स भी हैं जिनकी अमर्यादित और गैर-पत्रकारीय कर्म का फल पूरी न्यू मीडिया को भुगतना पड़ सकता है , सरकारी रेगुलेशन के रूप में | बावजूद इसके न्यू मीडिया लोकतंत्र को मजबूत करेगा |
विस्फोट.कॉम के संजय तिवारी जी ने बोलते हुए ‘न्यू मीडिया’ के चार वैश्विक स्तम्भ गूगल ,विकिपीडिया , फेसबुक और विकिलीक्स के बारे में बताते हुए , भारत में ऐसी संस्थाओं को खड़ा करने की मंशा रखने वालों का अभाव बताया | उन्होंने कहा कि भारत में जुलियन असान्जे पैदा नहीं हो सकता क्योंकि न्यू मीडिया के छत्रपों को कोई वित्तीय पोषण के विषय में कोई नहीं सोचता | तिवारी जी ने असान्जे को पत्रकार ना मानते हुए एक हैकर बताया | हालाँकि ये बहस का मुद्दा हो सकता था कि पत्रकार कौन होता है ? या उसकी क्या परिभाषा है ? लेकिन समयाभाव को देखते हुए ऐसी कोई बात नहीं हुई |राय साहब और ओम्कारेश्वर पाण्डेय से कुछ बातों पर अपनी असहमति जताते हुए नीरज भूषण ने कहा कि वो ‘न्यू मीडिया’ शब्द को नहीं मानते | जब रेडिओ आया तो किसी ने उसे न्यू नहीं कहा , जब टेलीविजन आया तो किसी ने उसे न्यू मीडिया नहीं कहा | आज अगर इंटरनेट के बारे में ऐसा कहा जा रहा है तो ये एक भय है | दरअसल यही मीडिया है जिसके माध्यम से आप कोई भी सूचना लोगों तक पहुंचा सकते हैं भले ही पी टी आई और यू एन आई उसे ना छापे ! उन्होंने कहा कि जिस निरंकुशता की बात हो रही है वही इस माध्यम की ताकत है और हम निरंकुश रहना कहते हैं … सरकार ला के तो दिखाए कोई कानून …. आज हमें कलम और तलवार दोनों चाहिए |
डी एन श्रीवास्तव ने एक पंक्ति में अपना सन्देश देते हुए कहा , सच लिखते रहिये सरकार खुद-बखुद जो कानून लाना होगा ले आएगी |
आखिर में बोलते हुए अमिताभ भूषण ने भारतीय ‘न्यू मीडिया’ का स्याह सच उजागर करते हुए बड़े जोरदार तरीके से कहा कि ऐसे लोग जो अपनी ईमानदारी को बेच कर न्यू मीडिया को खड़ा करना चाहते हैं वो इसे छोड़ दें तो बेहतर है | अगर न्यू मीडिया को नये आयाम देना चाहते हैं तो मीडिया के दलालों की नक़ल करना छोड़ कर , अपने बूते कुछ करें या फ़िर अपने लिए आर्थिक मॉडल बनाये ताकि ‘न्यू मीडिया ‘ में अपने प्रयास को बाई -प्रोडक्ट की जगह मेन प्रोडक्ट बना सकें |
कार्यक्रम के शुरुआत में , कनिष्क कश्यप द्वारा पावर पॉइंट प्रेजेंटेशन के माध्यम से ‘न्यू मीडिया’ की आदर्श कही जा सकने वाली पोर्टल्स का परिचय और न्यू मीडिया के सन्दर्भ में ढेर सारी खोजपरक जानकारी दी गयी |
बहरहाल , ‘न्यू मीडिया’ को पारंपरिक मीडिया से हटकर अलग मान्यता देने और इसमें आने वाले भविष्य की पत्रकारिता को देखने का यह पहला व्यवस्थित प्रयास भारत नीति प्रतिष्ठान द्वारा किया गया , जो आने वाले समय में भारतीय न्यू मीडिया की भूमिका को तय करेगा |
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Justice H R Khanna: Hero of the 4:1 scenario during emergency

2 January 2011
Vinay Joshi
India has much to be grateful to Justice HR Khanna.
A man who stood by his principles against odds and his peers.
Lone dissenter judge during Emergency all but forgotten
Seldom does a judge play such a vital role — make citizen’s fundamental rights inviolable and later, show the lamp to luminaries who went with the tide and blinked when these very rights were being consigned to the darkest of nights in the life of a democracy. He was Justice H R Khanna.
He was a distinguished presence on the Benches of the SC, which delivered two landmark judgments. They continue till date to be the spirit behind judicially-protected fundamental rights wick. Keshavananda Bharati judgment of April 24, 1973, codified the inviolability of a citizen’s fundamental rights. These cannot be changed or abridged as per the whims and fancies of a political party commanding brute majority in Parliament.
Justice Khanna, being part of this verdict, felt it should not be too easy or too difficult to amend the Constitution. Giving glimpses of great foresight, he said: ‘‘No generation has a monopoly of wisdom nor has a right to put fetters on future generations to mould the machinery of governments. If no provisions were made for amendment of the Constitution, the people would have recourse to extra-constitutional methods like revolution to change the Constitution.’’
Two years later, proclamation of emergency by the then PM Indira Gandhi made fundamental rights an illusion. The government of the day brutalized a nation under the cloak of emergency, and through its macabre powers. In the life of any great institution, there comes a moment to prove its mettle. Such an opportunity came before the Supreme Court in 1976, during those dark days, in the form of a case titled ‘ADM Jabalpur vs Shiv Kant Shukla’.
It provided the perfect wicket for a five-judge bench of Chief Justice A N Ray and Justices Khanna, M H Beg, Y V Chandrachud and P N Bhagwati to bat on even though the weather was inclement. They simply had to follow Keshavananda Bharti case judgment to state that the government could not violate citizen’s right to life. The next-generation luminaries on the bench, except Justice Khanna, caved in and agreed with the then attorney general Niren De that if a policeman killed a passerby just for fun, there would be no remedy available to the kin as right to life had zero value during emergency.
All of them — Justices Ray, Beg, Chandrachud and Bhagwati simply flowed with the tide. Showing the lamp to these luminaries was Justice Khanna, who penned the golden line — fundamental rights, especially the right to life, cannot be violated even during Emergency.
The dissent cost him heavy. The government carried the day with the help of a 4:1 majority but was wounded by Justice Khanna’s sharp pen. It wreaked vengeance by appointing Justice Beg as CJI in 1977 by superseding Justice Khanna.
One of the finest tributes to Justice Khanna came from the ‘New York Times’ two days after the verdict. In its April 30, 1976 editorial, NYT wrote: ‘‘If India ever finds its way back to the freedom and democracy that were proud hallmarks of its first 18 years as an independent nation, someone will surely erect a monument to Justice H R Khanna of the Supreme Court. It was Justice Khanna who spoke out fearlessly and eloquently for freedom this week in dissenting from the court’s decision upholding the right of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s government to imprison political opponents at will and without court hearings… the Indian Supreme Court’s decision appears close to utter surrender.’’
Surrender it was. But, we did get back to democracy. Lamentably, no one cared to build a monument for Justice Khanna. But, does anyone build a monument for a monument, which Justice Khanna was?
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Love Jihad-a Case Study
Love Jihad-a Case Study
Love Jihad has become the buzzword in Kerala, with media reporting on this on a daily basis
for some time now. Even though reports had been published by the Kerala Kaumudi
newspaper as early as February 2009, stating that over 4000 Hindu girls had fallen prey to
Muslim youth and got converted to Islam, not much attention was given by the other media
and the public then.
From the Kerala Kaumudi, Feb 09
‘Love Jihad’ which aims to convert by marriage in Kerala as well’
An organisation named “love Jihad” with the objective to trap girls in the web of
love in order to marry is active in Kerala as well. It is learned that this organization
has converted hundreds of girls through this modus operandi.
The Special Branch of Police began investigation when mass religious conversions
came to light in the more than 4000 marriages recorded within the last 6 months in
the Panchayat directory. The highest concentrations of such marriages were reported
in Malapurram district. Calicut and Kannur are just behind. There are reports of such
marriage in other districts too.
This organization is using a group of young boys from a certain religion. They are
instructed to lure girls from other religions. As per the instructions to recruits of this
organization, they have to romance a girl within 2 weeks and brainwash them to get
converted and marry within 6 months. Special instructions to have at least 4 kids
have also been given. If the target doesn’t get trapped within first 2 weeks, they are
instructed to leave them and move on to another girl.
The money required for this arriving from foreign sources. This organisation has
been active in Kerala for a year. Modern gadgets like mobile phone, motorbikes and
fashionable clothes are given to the recruits as tools for the mission.
Each district has its own zone chairman to oversee the mission. Prior to College
admission they make a list of girls segregating them along religious lines.
But with the filing of the Habeas Corpus petition before the Kerala High Court which has
ordered investigation from the State and Central governments, ‘Love Jihad’ has captured the
attention of the entire media, both print as well as visual media.
Organisations behind Love Jihad: - Love Jihad is primarily the brainchild of the Pakistan
based terrorist organization LeT. It is being carried out in Kerala by organizations like
‘Campus Front (Students wing of NDF), Tasreen Milleth, Shahees Force, Muslim Youth
Forum etc.
Organisations providing backup support by providing materials and resources to Love Jihad:
1. Thareekath Movement (Hyderabad)
2. Mitch of Truth
3. Islam council
4. Maunathul Islam
5. Political parties like IUML, PDP, and also SIMI
Intention: To finish off Hinduism once and for all by changing the demography of kerala by
ensuring that Hindu girls give birth to Muslim child. Having gained the upper hand viz-a viz
land holding, educational institutions, business establishments, more Muslim constituencies,
economic situation, destroying temples etc, it is only logical that they go for the ‘kill’.
Target: (Mainly Hindu girls, and also Hindu boys.)
The ‘preys’ for Love Jihad are:
Non Muslim College and Schoolgirls. (Mainly Hindus)
Working women
Special emphasis to target Brahmin girls
Girl students studying in educational institutions under Muslim management.) mainly
professional colleges)
5. Hindu women working in institutions of Muslims
6. Girls and women having a close friends circle of Muslims
A Brahmin girl is treated as more valuable. The Muslims are aware that by destroying the
priestly class they are more likely to uproot Hinduism. The reported 'reward' in rupees given
to the jihadi Romeo who traps a Hindu girl depends on the girl’s caste.
1.Brahmin:Rs. 100,000/-
2.Nair: Rs. 75,000/-
3.Ezhava: Rs. 50,000/-
4.Other caste: Rs. 30,000/-
More disturbing information that has been observed is that when girls from middle class and
affluent families are targeted and are made to bring in a lot of gold or the girls family is
threatened and forced to part with some of their property as dowry.
Organisation Structure: - (for Kerala)
1. Head Quarters- Green Valley, Manjeri, Malappuram Dist.
2. Zonal centers at Trivandrum, Kochi and Kozhikode.( people who have obtained Let
training are in charge of these centers)
3. Committees at district level with a 5-member committee.
4. Love Zone chairman and assistant for each district.
5. 5-10 jihadi romeos for each educational institution (either students from the same
institution or boys from the surroundings)
Methodology: - 6 Stages
1. Identification:
2. Contact: Through Mobile Phones, SMS, easy charging centre, E Mails, Internet,
Through Muslim girl and classmates or hostel mates, Direct Contact.
3. Impress the Girl: satisfy the fashion and ‘lifestyle’ needs of the potential target by
buying mobile phones, remitting their college fees, recharging their mobile, sending
SMSs, buying gifts etc.
4. Entertainment: taking the girls to Cinema, ice cream parlours, restaurants, fan clubs
in flashy bikes and cars and buying them expensive gifts and dresses.
5. Emotional approach: The girl is proposed marriage and promised a loving and
comfortable and rich life style after marriage and the boy slowly works his way to
become intimate with the girl and start making physical advances. The photographs
and video clips (mainly using mobile cameras) of the intimate moments are captured
and then used to blackmail the girl and her family subsequently. The threat of
: Rs. 100,000/-
: Rs. 75,000/-
: Rs. 50,000/-
: Rs. 30,000/-
physical harm to the girl or her family or even killing of the girl or her family is also
used as blackmail.
6. Conversion:- The girls are promised marriage and are told to convert to Islam and
then made to learn Islam through institutions like
a. Maunam at Ponnani
b. Mogadhar at Kozhikode
c. Mancheri at Malappuram Dist.
d. Ervadi and Theni in Tamil Nadu
e. And also through Islamic study centers at Kottayam, Kasargode,
karunagapally etc
Training: Love Zone chairmen and Jihadi Romeos are known to have got LeT training.
Training camps conducted at Kochi and Kannur. 185 Muslim youths attended the training
camp at kannur. (Of which 4 got killed by security forces in J&K) Training camps conducted
by ‘Thareekath’ at all districts. (It is of interest that a lot of Muslim doctors, engineers,
professionals, business men, are actively supporting this program)
1. 23 ‘charitable’ organizations under the control of SIMI are financing the Kerala Love
Jihad plan.
2. India Fraternity Forum, centered at Dhamam, Saudi Arabia is collecting funds from
Middle East and sending. Receives around 600 cores per year.
Facilitators: Popular Front of India provides the basic support by providing mobile phones,
motorbikes, cars, and also provides physical protection (in the form of “escort” for the eloped
or kidnapped girl and boy). Their legal wing, Kerala Legal Front provides legal assistance to
the jihadi Romeos.
Status of the Victim:
1. After marriage the girl is sold to flesh trade or used in sex rackets.
2. The victim is used to trap more Hindu girls and in some cases to trap Hindu boys.
3. Some of the victims end up as slaves at yatheemkhanaas or as domestic help in the
muslim households
4. Some reach terrorist centers.
5. It has come to light with the disclosure of one of the girls who escaped from this trap
that they are given some drug regularly that makes them psychiatric patients or
mentally de ranged after some time.
6. Sent to Arabian gulf as concubines to Arabic youths
Arise awake and react by educating your self!!!
This is not the time for Hindus to be complacent, imagining that the love-jihad is something
that happens to someone else. The girl who is being targeted by the love-jihads today may be
from your own family, and nobody is immune. It can happen to absolutely anybody.
In this context, it is worth remembering the words of a prominent German anti-Nazi named
Martin Niemoller:
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out -because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out -because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak out for me…..
Love Jihad has become the buzzword in Kerala, with media reporting on this on a daily basis
for some time now. Even though reports had been published by the Kerala Kaumudi
newspaper as early as February 2009, stating that over 4000 Hindu girls had fallen prey to
Muslim youth and got converted to Islam, not much attention was given by the other media
and the public then.
From the Kerala Kaumudi, Feb 09
‘Love Jihad’ which aims to convert by marriage in Kerala as well’
An organisation named “love Jihad” with the objective to trap girls in the web of
love in order to marry is active in Kerala as well. It is learned that this organization
has converted hundreds of girls through this modus operandi.
The Special Branch of Police began investigation when mass religious conversions
came to light in the more than 4000 marriages recorded within the last 6 months in
the Panchayat directory. The highest concentrations of such marriages were reported
in Malapurram district. Calicut and Kannur are just behind. There are reports of such
marriage in other districts too.
This organization is using a group of young boys from a certain religion. They are
instructed to lure girls from other religions. As per the instructions to recruits of this
organization, they have to romance a girl within 2 weeks and brainwash them to get
converted and marry within 6 months. Special instructions to have at least 4 kids
have also been given. If the target doesn’t get trapped within first 2 weeks, they are
instructed to leave them and move on to another girl.
The money required for this arriving from foreign sources. This organisation has
been active in Kerala for a year. Modern gadgets like mobile phone, motorbikes and
fashionable clothes are given to the recruits as tools for the mission.
Each district has its own zone chairman to oversee the mission. Prior to College
admission they make a list of girls segregating them along religious lines.
But with the filing of the Habeas Corpus petition before the Kerala High Court which has
ordered investigation from the State and Central governments, ‘Love Jihad’ has captured the
attention of the entire media, both print as well as visual media.
Organisations behind Love Jihad: - Love Jihad is primarily the brainchild of the Pakistan
based terrorist organization LeT. It is being carried out in Kerala by organizations like
‘Campus Front (Students wing of NDF), Tasreen Milleth, Shahees Force, Muslim Youth
Forum etc.
Organisations providing backup support by providing materials and resources to Love Jihad:
1. Thareekath Movement (Hyderabad)
2. Mitch of Truth
3. Islam council
4. Maunathul Islam
5. Political parties like IUML, PDP, and also SIMI
Intention: To finish off Hinduism once and for all by changing the demography of kerala by
ensuring that Hindu girls give birth to Muslim child. Having gained the upper hand viz-a viz
land holding, educational institutions, business establishments, more Muslim constituencies,
economic situation, destroying temples etc, it is only logical that they go for the ‘kill’.
Target: (Mainly Hindu girls, and also Hindu boys.)
The ‘preys’ for Love Jihad are:
Non Muslim College and Schoolgirls. (Mainly Hindus)
Working women
Special emphasis to target Brahmin girls
Girl students studying in educational institutions under Muslim management.) mainly
professional colleges)
5. Hindu women working in institutions of Muslims
6. Girls and women having a close friends circle of Muslims
A Brahmin girl is treated as more valuable. The Muslims are aware that by destroying the
priestly class they are more likely to uproot Hinduism. The reported 'reward' in rupees given
to the jihadi Romeo who traps a Hindu girl depends on the girl’s caste.
1.Brahmin:Rs. 100,000/-
2.Nair: Rs. 75,000/-
3.Ezhava: Rs. 50,000/-
4.Other caste: Rs. 30,000/-
More disturbing information that has been observed is that when girls from middle class and
affluent families are targeted and are made to bring in a lot of gold or the girls family is
threatened and forced to part with some of their property as dowry.
Organisation Structure: - (for Kerala)
1. Head Quarters- Green Valley, Manjeri, Malappuram Dist.
2. Zonal centers at Trivandrum, Kochi and Kozhikode.( people who have obtained Let
training are in charge of these centers)
3. Committees at district level with a 5-member committee.
4. Love Zone chairman and assistant for each district.
5. 5-10 jihadi romeos for each educational institution (either students from the same
institution or boys from the surroundings)
Methodology: - 6 Stages
1. Identification:
2. Contact: Through Mobile Phones, SMS, easy charging centre, E Mails, Internet,
Through Muslim girl and classmates or hostel mates, Direct Contact.
3. Impress the Girl: satisfy the fashion and ‘lifestyle’ needs of the potential target by
buying mobile phones, remitting their college fees, recharging their mobile, sending
SMSs, buying gifts etc.
4. Entertainment: taking the girls to Cinema, ice cream parlours, restaurants, fan clubs
in flashy bikes and cars and buying them expensive gifts and dresses.
5. Emotional approach: The girl is proposed marriage and promised a loving and
comfortable and rich life style after marriage and the boy slowly works his way to
become intimate with the girl and start making physical advances. The photographs
and video clips (mainly using mobile cameras) of the intimate moments are captured
and then used to blackmail the girl and her family subsequently. The threat of
: Rs. 100,000/-
: Rs. 75,000/-
: Rs. 50,000/-
: Rs. 30,000/-
physical harm to the girl or her family or even killing of the girl or her family is also
used as blackmail.
6. Conversion:- The girls are promised marriage and are told to convert to Islam and
then made to learn Islam through institutions like
a. Maunam at Ponnani
b. Mogadhar at Kozhikode
c. Mancheri at Malappuram Dist.
d. Ervadi and Theni in Tamil Nadu
e. And also through Islamic study centers at Kottayam, Kasargode,
karunagapally etc
Training: Love Zone chairmen and Jihadi Romeos are known to have got LeT training.
Training camps conducted at Kochi and Kannur. 185 Muslim youths attended the training
camp at kannur. (Of which 4 got killed by security forces in J&K) Training camps conducted
by ‘Thareekath’ at all districts. (It is of interest that a lot of Muslim doctors, engineers,
professionals, business men, are actively supporting this program)
1. 23 ‘charitable’ organizations under the control of SIMI are financing the Kerala Love
Jihad plan.
2. India Fraternity Forum, centered at Dhamam, Saudi Arabia is collecting funds from
Middle East and sending. Receives around 600 cores per year.
Facilitators: Popular Front of India provides the basic support by providing mobile phones,
motorbikes, cars, and also provides physical protection (in the form of “escort” for the eloped
or kidnapped girl and boy). Their legal wing, Kerala Legal Front provides legal assistance to
the jihadi Romeos.
Status of the Victim:
1. After marriage the girl is sold to flesh trade or used in sex rackets.
2. The victim is used to trap more Hindu girls and in some cases to trap Hindu boys.
3. Some of the victims end up as slaves at yatheemkhanaas or as domestic help in the
muslim households
4. Some reach terrorist centers.
5. It has come to light with the disclosure of one of the girls who escaped from this trap
that they are given some drug regularly that makes them psychiatric patients or
mentally de ranged after some time.
6. Sent to Arabian gulf as concubines to Arabic youths
Arise awake and react by educating your self!!!
This is not the time for Hindus to be complacent, imagining that the love-jihad is something
that happens to someone else. The girl who is being targeted by the love-jihads today may be
from your own family, and nobody is immune. It can happen to absolutely anybody.
In this context, it is worth remembering the words of a prominent German anti-Nazi named
Martin Niemoller:
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out -because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out -because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak out for me…..
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