December 10, 2008
Ajra (Kolhapur): It seems Maharashtra State Government has imposed undeclared Marshal Law in Western Maharashtra to squelch down Hindu resistance.First they ordered ruthless blitzkrieg against Hindus by Police and then let loose Muslim hooligans wander freely and let them rule streets of Sangli.
Last night Police broke open doors of Shiv Sena office bearers such as District Deputy Chief of Shiv Sena Shri Parshuram Bamne and assaulted them in the presence of their family members.One cop even threaten him to encounter him if he lodges complaint aginst Police action.
Shri Bamne was then admitted to a hospital at Gadhinglaj.His lawyer requested the Court to see the wounds on his body after Police assault.Court immediately scolded Police Officer and ordered thorough medical check-up of all arrested Sena activists.The curfew was relaxed yesterday following the orders from VidhanSabha President Shri Babasaheb Kupekar.
This was second incidence of Police high handedness with Hindus and tensions are brewing up due to Police atrocities on innocent citizens.
It is almost clear that District Police Chiefs of both Sangli and Kolhapur are coming under Court scanner for indecent and non-professional behavior while controlling riot.And unconfirmed sources said that criminal suit has been filed against Sangli S.P. in Sangli court.
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