Rangfarah is the deity worshiped by the major population of Changlang district of Arunachal Pradesh, India, an indigenous god believed to be an incarnation of Shiva.
The major communities worshiping the Rangfarah are Muklom, Lunchangs, Juglis, Tutsas and Kimsings. Most of these villages have a temple known as Rangnuwk hum meaning God's worship place. Every year on December 31 people go on processions to stop the conversion which is increasing exponentially in the state.This procession is carried out by a community called the Indigenous Faith community of Arunachal Pradesh. Hundreds of people participate.
The word "Indigenous" basically means Native, or Home-grown. If Rangfrah is an incarnation of Shiva, and if Shiva is a deity of Hindus, how can you call Rangfrah an indigenous faith? Please explain.
The word Indigenous means Native or HOme-grown or Aboriginal.
If Rangfrah is an incarnation of Shiva and if Shiva is a Hindu deity, how can Rangfrah be an indigenous deity of the Tangsas and wangchos? Please explain.
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