---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: News Broadcasting Standards Authority <authority@nbanewdelhi.com>
Date: 19 December 2011 12:51
Subject: Complaint regarding news channel
To: murdikar@gmail.com

From: News Broadcasting Standards Authority <authority@nbanewdelhi.com>
Date: 19 December 2011 12:51
Subject: Complaint regarding news channel
To: murdikar@gmail.com

Dear Mr Joshi,
Your complaint will be placed before the Authority at its next meeting in January 2012 & we shall revert back thereafter.
Annie Joseph
For &On behalf of NBSA
-----Original Message-----
From: "Vinay Joshi" <murdikar@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 16 December, 2011 11:54am
To: nba@nbanewdelhi.com
Subject: Complaint regarding news channel
News Broadcasters Association,
CNN-IBN has broacasted programme titled "Face the Nation" on November 9, 2011,the topic of the discussion was, "Should spiritual leaders participate in anti-corruption campaign?" Sagarika Ghosh was an anchor conducting the episode. A prerecorded interview of Sri Sri RaviShankar, the spiritual head of Art of Living, was passed on as a live one.The manner in which the various quotes of Sri Sri Ravishankar were used clearly showed that there was a malicious attempt to demonise Sri Sri. Ravishankar.
IBN shamelessly fabricated,manipulated,amended and twisted the pre-recorded interview of Shri Shri Ravishankar and presented it to audience as LIVE debate with Shri Shri Ravishankar.On September 16.2011 News Broadcasting Standards Authority's Annie Joseph with her signature on it, had issued advisory to all it's members regarding use of cation "LIVE".But within very short time span Sagarika Ghosh efficiently sidelined the advisory.
It clearly proves that CNN-IBN staff neither respects such a advisory nor it has any value for NBA advisory.Also manner with which Sagarika Ghosh conducted the episode proves that she clearly knew that Shri Shri Ravishankar is not live,also she was aware about fabrication made with interview,but she had intention to demonize Ravishankar.
With this letter,I am requesting you to take stern action against Anchor Sagarika Ghosh and editor of the channel alongwith each and every person responsible for this cheating.If you fails to do so,I have to explore other possible ways to punish respective persons,who cheated audience and Shri Shri Ravishankar.
Vinay Joshi
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