Shri Narendra Modi,
Prime Minister of India,
Sangharsh Apte, a research scholar from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, has drawn the attention of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to the recent cuts in the expenditure on higher education in the country.He made a representation at UNHRC in Geneva on Friday June 16, 2017 in this regard. The representation urged UNHRC to take appropriate measures and make the Indian government accountable for the protection of Dalit and tribal students’ rights. Tata Institute of Social Sciences administration’s recent withdrawal of its financial aid to the students belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC), with a family income below the union government norms, also found mention in the representation to UNHRC.
The representation was part of World Barua Organization's 4 member delegation.
After the submission of representation, UNHRC mischievously made some remarks against Indian society. The remarks which are on their website reads,"“The World Barua Organisation reminded that, traditionally, the Dalit and lower-caste people had been barred from the education system in India. Despite later legal changes, which had allowed them to attend university, the recent reduction of education grants for those groups had led to a large number of students having to withdraw their university admissions.”
So, with this letter I demand,
1) Immediate investigation of the four members of the representation for theior funding sources,
2) Full scale inquiry of financial sources of World Barua Organization- WBO,
3) Intelligence inquiry of the WBO and all four members who visited UNHRC to find out the reason which compelled them to approach UNHRC instead of approaching Government of India to seek justice for SC and NT students,
4) Govt of India should seek clarification from UNHRC for their remarks made against Indian society which are full biased, mischievous and objectionable.
If Government of India neglects this issue, then it will set dangerous precedent for malicious fringe elements to raise India's internal social issues on world forums, only intended to tarnish India's image in the world.
Expecting immediate action in this regard.
Office Secretory
Legal Rights Observatory- LRO
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