Today's nationwide protests arranged by RSS has gained huge success.RSS had planned it to shoot down UPA Government's new stealth policy of implicating RSS cadres for there fictitious involvement into terror activities. According to RSS leaders UPA is trying hard to consolidate Muslim vote bank in there favor by terming RSS as militant outfit.And including names of RSS workers in to fabricated charge sheets.
It was unprecedented move by RSS to come to streets against Union Government for targeting organisation for non-existent issues and crimes that never committed by it's cadres.Many observers are seeing it as a commencement of direct confrontation between RSS and Union government,and some of them are smelling as direct fight between both like 1975 emergency during Indira regime.
One more campaign about which RSS is not uttering a single word is to sue media for use of Saffron terror phrase.In Maharashtra RSS sympathizers has launched wave of court suits and legal notices against senior Marathi Journalist Kumar Ketkar for using Saffron Terror Phrase.Kumar Ketkar might receive court summons within next few days for his articles and in few cases he might has to run to Mumbai High court to seek anticipatory bail if lower courts issues arrest warrant against him.
According to one top ranking RSS leader,RSS has decided to keep mum on this issue but it has directed it's cadres from all states to hunt for journalists and writers which frequently uses Saffron Terror phrase and to file court suits against such media personalities.RSS has also decided that low profile,low rank workers which has no direct links with organisation and which has no official responsibility within organisation would file these complaints and court cases so that no one would blame organisation for taking on media.
If this stealth warfare strategy does well all over,then media;particularly print media would be in serious trouble as many of them are frequently referring terms like Hindu terrorist,saffron terrorist and so on.
Today's sit in protests across the nation has gained overwhelming response and it is warning for Union Government.So coming few months would be very very significant for government,RSS and media.
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